Friday, June 17, 2016


Here are your marks without the Calories assignment:
Done by student number.

16.1 Monday's class = Potluck!

Please bring in something to share with the class on Monday.  The food must be from either a local source or must be completely GMO free.  Also, please bring a reusable plate and fork for the potluck so that we don't have any waste.
You will be required to give a quick speech about where the food is from and why you chose to bring it.  Have fun and yes you can do this in partners.
Don't forget the Barrie Farmers Market is Saturday morning at City Hall.

Have a great weekend.

Monday, June 6, 2016

15.1 Only post for the week.

For this week's post you will go to the United Nations Website and take a look at the global issues they are working on.
Pick one topic from the left hand side bar and:
1) Give a brief recap or overview of the issue.
2) List and Explain some of the initiatives or goals or summits that have been held on this issue. What has been the result or action taken from this?
3) Research the effectiveness of the United Nations on this issue around the world.  Do we need the UN for your Issue? Why or why not?
4) What does the future hold for your chosen issue?  Will it get worse or better? Why?

Friday, June 3, 2016

14.1 Please watch this video and comment for the post

This week you are to watch this video and comment below:
1) What is wrong with our current food system and mindset?
2) What needs to change? Why?
3) How could doing this NOT work? Why?
4) What did you take away from this video?  How will you change?

Sunday, May 29, 2016

13.1 The only post for this week


Because of the length and delay in getting this posted I am giving you until Tuesday night to complete this post.  This article is an example of the kinds of articles you will be reading next year.  No more newspaper articles for you.  You must read through the article and pick out the important information for you so that you can use it in your essay or report for your class.
Answer the following questions to help you through the article:
1) What are microplastics? Where do they come from? 
2) What are the ecological impacts of plastics in the Great Lakes? What happens when the biodegrade?
3) What are microbeads? Where do they come from?
4) How are rivers a 'major pathway' of transportation for microplastics?
5) How do the Great Lakes compare to other similar lakes around the world?
6) How does the research results compare to ocean research and findings? Specifically ocean gyres?
7) Why does the author end with questions?  What does this mean about their research?
8) What can we do to help prevent pollution from microplastics?

Friday, May 20, 2016

12.4 Do you eat salmon?

Looks like if you eat salmon it will now be genetically modified and you won't even know it.  The photo above is a normal salmon and a GMO salmon!
Read and think:
1) Why did this get passed?  Why did it take so long for it to pass compared to the US?
2) What are your thoughts on the issue? Does this set a precedent? What about the lack of labeling?
3) Can we avoid GMOs?  How or why not?
4) Has science gone too far?  Where will it go next?

Monday, May 16, 2016

12.3 Urban Sprawl in the GTA

This short article is really interesting as it shows that people are getting ready to RETHINK how they attack development but not everyone is on board.
1) Why do we need this kind of legislation? Who will benefit from this?
2) Why are some people opposed to this?  What do they have to lose or gain from it?
3) Research the proposal.  Will it work?  What will be some problems with this?
4) Look at the picture attached to this post. Where is Toronto built-up and where is it built-out? How does this tie in with the environment and sustainable development?

12.2 Forever in Blue Jeans

1) What do you currently do with your old, outgrown, out of style clothes?  What could you do instead?
2) How is this a world issue?  Who could benefit from all of this? Why is it important?
3) Why is it so hard to bring in new programs like this to a community?  Do you think Barrie would ever adopt something like this?

12.1 Poor suckers pay taxes

Article that talks about how us poor people are the ones stuck paying all the taxes that help pay for all services that EVERYONE uses like hospitals, police and education.
1) What are your thoughts?  This is legal should it be? Is it fair?
2) What could we do to stop the flow of overseas money hiding?
3) Should the Prime Minister of England step down, since his dad is mentioned in the papers?

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

ISU hand-in

With Prom this week and the ISU due I thought that we could take a break from posting on the blog this week.  You're welcome.

Here are the instructions for submitting your ISU:
1) You can submit your document by writing it, or copying it, into your google drive account and then SHARING it with me.  You can share the document with
2) you can email me the project to

Any problems let me know.
Due date is 11:59 pm Thursday May 12th. Don't wait until late in case you run into problems.

Good luck and see you at Prom.

Friday, May 6, 2016

You got APA Style Bro!

Here is the APA powerpoint shown in class.  Also check the OWL at Purdue Website and APA website for hints and help.

Good luck and any question please just ask.

11.4 Droughts in India

1) Why are their water reserves depleted so much?  One abnormally hot year doesn't drain everything.  What is the real cause?
2) How can we help here in Barrie?
3) How is El Nino not helping the situation?  What is El Nino?  What is La Nina and how could it help?
4) How is this related to the global warming and climate change?

Thursday, May 5, 2016

11.3 When does life start?

Here is an interesting article about human development and growth.
1) Is this right?  Should we be studying the growth and death of a human embryo?
2) When does life start? At conception? When the embryo implants into the uterus? At birth?
3) What implications could this have for future generations?  Good and bad?
4) Has technology gone too far?  Could we one day grow a human being outside of the human body?

11.2 Rugby - it's a world issue?

Now I know some of you like the sport of rugby and some of you don't well here is an interesting article that introduces the physical demands needed to play at an elite level.
1) What kind of physical demands are the players worried abot?
2) How is this a world issue?
3) What other sports have the same kind of issues?
4) Should this sport be played at the high school level?  Why or why not?

Monday, May 2, 2016

11.1 Gas or Electric...think Tiny

Using what you know about Tiny houses read this article and think?
1) What do we need to rethink when it comes to vehicles?
2) What are they doing in other parts of the world?
3)What does buying EVs do for the economy and the environment?
4) When you are able to buy your first car what will it be and why?

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

10.3 Just when I thought I was out...they pull me back in.

Image result for broke retirement

This article goes back to population and demographics that we studied and it has a lot to do with your future.  Even if you don't post about it; you should still read it.
1) How does this make you feel?  Are you worried about your future?
2) Should you be worried?
3) Is this something we can change?
4) What should you do to protect yourself from financial ruin when you get older?

Monday, April 25, 2016

10.2 Garbage Nation

We have too much stuff and it's hurting our environment and our pocket books.  Read and think:
1) How is this a world issue?
2) How can you change your way or your parents' way of life to
3) What are the consequences of too much stuff?
4) Where does our garbage and recycling go?  Where does Toronto's go?

10.1 Coral Bleaching

The Great Barrier reef is the largest living organism in the world and 93% of it is at risk of disappearing.
1) How does this relate to what we have been talking about in class and the video Tiny?
2) What can be done to help reduce or stop the bleaching of the reef?
3) What can you do to reduce your involvement in this world?

Monday, April 11, 2016

Mid Term Exams

Here are the PowerPoints from the class thus far that will be used to make the Mid Term Exam.   Nine of them in nine weeks not bad!  Some presentations we did right to the end others we only looked at a few slides.   Don't worry about the slides we did not cover.  If you are unsure ask and I will let you know if we studied that or not.  Also used will be work we covered in class plus some discussion and videos we viewed.  Good luck and study hard.

If you have trouble viewing the PPTs it's because you didn't sign in to google with your school account.

9.1 Video Blog Posts

This week is a little different.  Everyone will find a short video (10 minutes max) to post and people will comment on it.  Could be a music video, short documentary, TED talk, etc. As long as it shows a world issue and isn't too graphic (remember this is a school based learning platform).  Give a small description like the one below to intro the video.  Have fun!
A good site to check out is: and if you find one that is too long then try to find the trailer for it and post that instead maybe?

I love this video. It is a video about the environmental destruction of the earth and how we need to rethink how we use and extract oil.  The lyrics fit the images so well and sends a very powerful message about Mother Earth. Interesting to note that James Cameron created the harsh mining world in Avatar after seeing the Tar Sands first hand.  We are heading towards studying the environment and some talk will be given to the tar sands so this is fitting.

Friday, April 8, 2016

8.5 Tit-for-tat

As we learned in class with our simulation Charter development it is quite common for one country to do something for another only if it will benefit the first country and sometime both.  Read the following article about Visa requirements and how this could affect travel to and from Europe.  If you have ever had to fill out government paperwork you will know how horrible it would be to have to apply for a Visa just to visit the Eiffel tower!
1) Why is this happening? Who brought this issue up?
2) What will this mean to the travel industry in Canada and Europe?
3) What is the real issue here?  Is this about Visas or about illegal aliens? Why?
4) Who stands to benefit from this process regardless of the outcome? Why?

Thursday, April 7, 2016

8.4 Cell phone use in Africa

This article should interest you since you are probably addicted to your phone and are probably reading this post on your phone!
1) How can this help bring Africa out of poverty?
2) Is this a good thing or a bad thing for the people of Africa? Why?
3) How can they afford a phone but not food?
4) Is this a case of the rich getting richer even in Africa?

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

8.3 Happiness is a five letter word - M.o.n.e.y.

Read this list of the happiest countries in Africa and think:
1) What criteria was used to get this data? Is this a fair judgement of happiness?
2) How do these countries rank in comparison to the rest of the world?  Why?
3) What needs to be done to help those people feel more happy? Does money also fix happiness?
4) Relate this article to the information learned in class.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

8.2 You are being watched...

With satelite technology getting so advanced it may be soon that you will be able to pull up google maps and see yourself looking up google maps!
1) How is this going to be used for good and for bad? Is this an invasion of personal privacy?
2) Do you agree with this new technology or not? Explain.
3) Where do you see this technology going in the future?
4) How is this a global issue?

Monday, April 4, 2016

8.1 Green Power and electric vehicles

1) Should we be considering the energy emissions created to charge electric vehicles? Why or why not?
2) Do electric vehicles still seem appealing? Why or why not?
3) Will electric vehicles save the world?  Why or why not?
4) How much material goes into making an electric vehicle?  More or less than a regular vehicle?  Should we be considering that in our emission discussion?

Sunday, April 3, 2016

7.4 This one affects a lot of people worldwide


So how do oil prices work?  Who controls them and how do they affect the oil sands in Alberta?  The following article helps explain all that.
1) What should we care in Barrie? I mean cheap gas is great right?  What are some negative consequences of cheaper gas?
2) Do you believe that the Middle Eastern countries have our best interest in their hearts? Explain why or why not?  Should they or should they not?
3) What does this mean for the environment?
4) If gas is at 93.4 cents a liter right now how much is a barrel of oil?  How does the price at the pumps relate to the price of crude oil?  How much money does the government make off the a liter of oil?  Would it be in their best interest to have expensive oil and gas?

Thursday, March 31, 2016

7.3 Is post-secondary education getting to be only for the rich?

Students clashed during a protest at a rugby match in Bleomfontein

Seems as though tuition costs are going up all over the world and if they continue like this we will fall back to a time when only the rich could attend post-secondary school.
1) What are your thoughts?
2) Is this a local South African Issue? What is the bigger issue?
3) What measures should countries take to provide education for their people?
4) What effects will this have on the South African economy and the worlds?

7.2 Tesla's newest electric car

and I can almost afford it.  At $35000 it's a great price point but it's also a bare-bones car.
1) What do you think? Is this the car of the future? Why or why not?
2) Will the giant car manufacturers try to stop the growth of electric cars? Why?
3) In comparison to electric cars already out there how does this one compete?
4) Does owning a car like this stop climate change? How?

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

7.1 Arctic Troubles

Global warming at its best.
1) What does this mean for us in Barrie? What does it mean for the rest of the World?
2) Is this truly due to global warming or is it just a natural cycle?
3) How might we be able to change our ways to help stop this trend?
4) What potential benefits could arise from this?

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Please read!!!

Due to the storm please have your assignments ready for Tuesday (lucky kids!) and have your weekly posts done by MONDAY night.  Enjoy the break with your family and get some rest.

Happy Easter to you and your family.

6.4 The only way to get out of poverty is to...

If developing countries are to move out of poverty they will have to work hard and come up with new ways of doing things.  They will have to be forward thinking and take risks.  Here is an example of that:
1) What kind of economic development condition is Paraguay in? Where are they on the DTM?
2)  Who is going to benefit from this?  Big companies? The local farmer? Why?
3) What can other developing countries do to improve their economic situation?
4)  What barriers do developing countries face when trying to improve their status?

Monday, March 21, 2016

6.3 Spring Forward, Fall Back..who came up with that?

Not sure who but I can guarantee it was a PR marketing firm that has big business in their best interest. Read the following article and think:
1) Why do we continue to use Daylight saving time?  Do we really need it?
2) What does daylight savings time do to our economy?  At what cost to the environment?
3) Are you shocked to hear that this is mostly about business and money?  Why or why not?
4) Does the whole world follow DST?  Why or why not?

6.2 Plus sized models what is the world coming to

Sports Illustrated underwent immense pressure on both sides to put AND NOT put a plus sized woman on the cover of their latest Swimsuit edition.  Read the following article and think:
1) What does this say about our society? Are we more tolerant towards larger people now?
2) What does this say about women's rights? Is this good or bad for women?
3) How is this a global issue?
4) Will we ever see "the dad-bod" on the cover of a magazine?

6.1 My family just started doing this about a month ago

I don't own shares in this company nor am I saying it is the best but I must say having food delivered to your house is very convenient and the fact that it is organic and local is great.

1) Would your family consider signing up for something like this?  Why or why not?
2) Is this the way of the future for groceries?
3) Why should people eat local and organic foods?
4) How is this a world issue?  How does this connect to the larger world?

Friday, March 11, 2016

5.5 Abortions - let the debate begin...

Image result for gynecology

1) How much does religion have to play with this decision for these Italian doctors?
2) Should doctors be forced to do the procedure to help control population?
3) Is this a women's rights issue?  What does it mean that the number is up from 2005?
4) Are there other countries in the world where this is happening?

5.4 Trudeaumania in the States; what is this 1970?

So Pierre Elliot Trudeau would be proud that his son is Prime Minister of Canada and that he has a similar celebrity status in Canada and the States like his father did.
1) What does all this coverage mean for Canada? The World?
2) Is this good for Canadian-American relationships?
3) What will happen when a new President is elected in the States?
4) How much does a politician's likeability mean to the country and it's citizens?

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

5.3 Immigration rates

Image result for come on in

Liberal government announces more immigrants will be allowed into Canada next year.
1) Why are we allowing this?
2) Is this more than previous years?  By how much?  When was it higher?
3) Where are these people going to live?  How will this affect Barrie and you?
4) What is the different types of immigrant classes coming into Canada?  Is one easier to enter than others.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

5.2 Women's rights

Today is international Women's Day so here is an article about women's rights:
1) Why is women's rights so important to the world?
2) How can we make the change needed to help empower women in the developing world?
3) What connection does women's rights have to population growth?
4) What is holding women back in their fight toward equal rights?

5.1 Softwood lumber dispute - again

When I taught this course four years ago this was an issue and when I taught this course 8 years ago it was an issue.  This has been a BIG issue for many years and affects a BIG part of our economy.
1) What is the issue?
2) Why is it such a big part of our economy?
3) What is the larger issue? That is, what does this say about US-Canada relations?
4) How can we solve this issue?

Thursday, March 3, 2016

4.5 Pass the ketchup please

Image result for leamington tomato festival

This is great for more reasons than I can explain.  Read and think:
1) Why has this gone viral?
2) What does this say about society and eating well?
3) Is this a first world problem only?
4) and what about the high-fructose corn syrup?

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

4.4 Feeling a little crowded?

Since we are studying population I thought this would be good to read even if it is a couple years old.
1) What will happen first? We will destroy the earth or will it destroy us?
2) How many people do you think the earth can handle? Why?
3) What can be done about this?

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

4.3 You might want to buy a boat?

Sea level is on the rise but how much of it is natural and how much is man-made?  This article talks about that:
1) What's the big deal about 5 inches of water?
2) Who cares? Why should we care?
3) How can we control this?
4) Who does this affect the most?