Tuesday, March 8, 2016

5.2 Women's rights

Today is international Women's Day so here is an article about women's rights:
1) Why is women's rights so important to the world?
2) How can we make the change needed to help empower women in the developing world?
3) What connection does women's rights have to population growth?
4) What is holding women back in their fight toward equal rights?



  1. Mark this one…
    Women’s rights is so important in the world because they make up more than half of the population, and if this half of humanity continues to face discrimination and oppression, the potential for development in society and peaceful interactions will remain poor and never growing to a better society. To remove poverty and hunger, women must be empowered and included in the process of leadership and interaction as well. We can make changes by giving more female’s access to education, which leads to better jobs and to be given a voice through media to give social and economic empowerment.
    One thing that is holding women back in their fight toward equal rights is that they have to still do more to prove themselves than men do. Our baseline expectations are that men are more capable, which puts women in the position of having to go above and beyond standards that men are help, in order to demonstrate their competence. Even when women are going above these standards and achieving success, they are likely unrewarded. In a recent New York Times op-ed, Adam Grant and Sheryl Sandberg pointed out that when male executives speak up, they receive 10% higher competence ratings than women, and when females do the same, their ratings from peers are 14% lower. Another problem is involved with women having children. There is a double standard on mothers in the workplace. Pregnant women are perceived as “less authoritative and more irrational, regardless of their actual performance.” Mothers are shown as less committed to work, while fathers are significantly more committed to work when they have children.
    Research has suggested that more people support gender equality and positive views for female leadership, however these numbers aren’t enough to change corporate behaviours, which is unfortunate.


    1. I fully agree with what Jaz is saying about equality. As a gender that makes up 50.4% of the population, there should be equal rights. In Canada and the U.S I believe that women have been becoming equal among society and many women have better education than some men. When we go to a hospital or a court house we can see women in an important role. However, this isn't the case globally and I think that's wrong. I also agree with Jaz's point about women in the work place being considered less committed. Just because a women may have children does not mean that she will not be committed nor does it mean the man will always still be at work. Just a few weeks ago Mr. Lahaie missed some days to look after his child, equally as his wife. I think this should be the standard globally because it is fair to both genders. Giving women a chance at education also slows the population growth as lots of women decide to further their education instead of having children right away. Beneath our skin, we are the same skeleton and I think we should be treated the same no matter our gender.


    2. I agree with Jaz and Lindsay that gender equality is extremely important, and as time goes on, women's rights are slowly equally to those of men's in more wealthy countries. However, in most developing countries, women are not seen equal to men and therefore they are not treated with equality. This poses a problem that needs to be resolved.

    3. I agree with Lindsay that in our society we can see women have becoming more equal to men because of women's rights and the effort it took to get them. I also agree that since there are not women's rights globally we as women or men living in developed countries need to help those suffering in developing countries.

  2. MARK THIS ONE: Our World has lacked female rights since the beginning of time. But women’s rights are extremely important to further develop our society and to solve numerous world issues.
    Firstly, women’s rights are important to help stop the torturing and degrading of women mostly in developing countries. Every single human on the earth deserves a chance to a life without being consistently scared. Someone should never be tortured because of their gender.
    Secondly, augmenting women's’ education is key to solving some of the world’s greatest problems. As we talked about in class, girls who are educated are less likely to have a lot of children. This lessens the effect of overpopulation on our world. They are also less likely to contact sexual diseases. And, the education allows women to contribute to the economic development of their communities.
    Also, improving women’s rights allows them to better contribute to society. Given a chance, women can be doctors, scientists, physicists, or anything else a man can be. This allows society to have more chances of discovering new technology, cures, and methods of life.
    There are so many ways that we can empower women in the developing world. We can make them safe places to gather and learn, support their independence, teach them reading, writing, and job skills, and allow them to increase savings and income. We can also send women activists from our countries to give them advice and talk to them for much needed support. Finally, we can do the obvious, and frown upon those who treat women as inferior.
    Women’s rights greatly affects population growth. It would help our world if we had more women’s rights because it would lessen our overpopulation. If women have rights to go to school, they are more likely to have children later in their life and to have less children overall. If this happens to women around our world, then our exponential growth will likely slow, and the planet may be capable of supporting us.
    I think that women are being held back because of how society looks at them. In order for a women to be successful, they have to do so much more than a man would have to. There is a lot of prejudice, especially when it comes to power. It seems although women are moving up the ranks in employment, but men are still looked to for higher positions. I think this is because society has a predecieved vision that men should have power, due to the history of our world.


    1. I agree with Brittney. Women's rights are so important to our world, and to the developments we have in science, technology and society. Personally i think that this issue could be solved if girls and boys were raised the same way. Parents often treat their children differently and teach them how they act, what to do, how to think, and what to be based on their gender. It is also a huge issue due to our media and our movies, where they give strict gender roles to boys and girls and make norms for how each gender should act. The biggest factor, however, is the government and the fact that the people in power who are running some countries are often not looking in the best interest of men AND women (ex. abortions are illegal, women can't get an education, or in extreme cases can't drive or still can't vote).

    2. I share the same views as Brittany on this issue. Why I think women's rights is the most important is for women who are struggling in developing countries. In some countries women are much less likely to go to school than men are because they 'must' learn how to raise a family. Why is this? Women and men should both have equal opportunities and there is no reason why a man couldn't raise a family. Like Mahshad said if girls and boys were raised the same way there would not be such a struggle for women in developping countries.

    3. I agree that a large issue in women's rights is that many girls are denied education. I can't even imagine how different the world would be if every girl had the same access to education as others. Gender roles are so engraved into our minds that it's hard to think that many of our daily activities are because of the way our gender is supposed to behave.

    4. Please Mark This One:
      Women’s rights are extremely important for our world. It is 2016 and in some countries women still have absolutely no rights and freedoms for themselves. Women should be considered equal to men, yet in some parts of the world women are constantly tortured and killed because of their gender. Women’s rights are extremely important for everyone in this world for many reasons. As Brittany said one major one is over-population. Another issue is education. When women receive this basic human right, they have so much power. Power to be independent from a man (lowering population), and power to take a stand and fight for the rights of women. In 2013 a girl from Pakistan, Malala. was shot after protesting for education for girls. Because of her, people were empowered all over the country to take a stand against the Taliban and fight for rights for females. Since then Malala has won a noble peace prize and increased the number of schools available for girls in her country. Women’s rights are so important because women are capable of so much. They have the power to make such an impact for this world they just need to be given the chance. With proper education and given the rights, women all over the world can be contributing to society and the economy which would better this world. I think the most important thing you can do to empower women in the developing world is take them out of any unsafe environment they are in, and give them the right to education. Education empowers girls and gives them the chance of independence. With education they do not have to rely on men for everything. With one educated girl it inspired females all over Pakistan. So I think that if given the opportunity, education can change the world. If these women are educated and focusing on their careers, they are less likely to have more children. This education leads to independence from men so their main role in life strays from having kids to making their own living. In the Middle East and many parts of Africa, women hold the least amount of rights and freedoms over any other country. I believe this is due to the fact that they are still developing countries. A lot of places justify their laws with religion. The sharia law is an Islamic legal system. Unfortunately a lot of places interpret the laws differently which varies the rights and freedoms women have in different spots. Another reason women are not treated as equals is because of how society is and the norms that come with it. Since humanity existed women were always treated as less than men. So continuing on that path, men continue to oppress women in some parts of the world because they have never seen any difference. The UN has been doing a lot in order to change this norm going on around the world. They have created Security Council Resolution 1325 in order to help women and give them more rights and empower the oppressed women all around the world.


    5. I agree completely, in some places women have 0 rights at all. I dont understand how some countries are so far behind on the social development of things. If women everywhere had a right to an education, over population wouldnt be an issue. If given the opportunity women can be just as or more successful as men.

    6. Women's rights and gender equality cannot be solved until education is universal. Education is the backbone to society, so if women are denied education they are denied a role in society. This is most common in developing nations where women have zero rights or freedoms. If women everywhere had a right to an education, this problem would be a thing of the past.

    7. I completely agree that women's rights is a huge issue. It is hard to picture not having access to things that we take for granted, such as free schooling. I believe that all women around the world should have access to it and like Kasie said, overpopulation would not become as big of an issue.

  3. Mark this one: Women’s rights are very important to the world and its ability to develop as a whole Women make up more than half the population today and we’ve come incredibly far when it comes to securing women’s rights around the world. Besides women’s rights and international women’s day being a celebration they are also reminders that we still have a long way to go when it comes to expanding women’s right across the world. A major women’s right treaty was ratified by majority of the world a few decades ago yet there are still issues in the world despite the success women’s rights have brought. I think a major factor of women in some parts of the world not having the rights that we do is that they don’t have access to education. If we gave these women the access to education they would be empowered and know how to help themselves/work with other women to support and fight for their rights. Women’s rights and world population correlate because women with rights are a lot more independent and don’t rely on a man for family, income and safety. With women being more independent and focusing on their careers they are having less children because they can fulfill their own wants and needs instead of feeling like their only purpose was to have a family and take care of that family. I believe women are being held back because they are scared to stand up to men and women in developing countries most likely believe that how they are being treated is how it is supposed to be because they don’t know any different. With education women will learn they can have power and make decisions for themselves.


    1. I agree with Erin that womens rights are important for the development of the world as a whole. I also agree that womens rights affect our populatikn because women don't have thw food, income, or even safety to raise a baby


  4. Mark this one:
    The world in which we live in has lacked basic human rights towards females for generations. What some people don't understand or are unaware of is that women’s rights are critical in order for not only our own society to grow, but also the answer to large amounts of worldwide issues today. Women’s education is a huge factor in solving many major problems we face. Some of these problems include; population, the resources and information women may have to offer in a society, as well as opportunities that can be made available to them. Women who have a higher level of education have been proven to have less children because they tend to put their career first, while uneducated tend to have more. If more women are given the opportunity at an education earlier in their lives, the less amount of children we will have; shrinking the role that overpopulation plays in our world. Women have the capabilities of becoming and doing anything that a man could possibly do if they are given the chance to do so. Some of the most inspiring role models, successful scientists and doctors have been female. And where might we be without them today if they weren’t granted an education? Although women in developed countries do not even come close to facing as much of the degradation and torturing as women in developing countries do, it is important that all around the world this issue is made a big deal so more people are aware and more people have the chance to help make a difference, because no no one should ever live in fear or be treated as less than an equal simply because of their gender. In order to help empower women in developing countrie, their are many things that we can do. One of the first includes allowing women their basic human rights. To be treated as equals, giving them the opportunity for an education, where they will learn essential skills such as reading and writing. And one of the most impacting things we can do as a world concerned for women’s well being, is to acknowledge and punish those who degrade women so much. As I stated before, women’s right do affect population growth by allowing women the opportunity to CHOOSE if they want children, how many, and when they want to have them. Allowing them an education could mean they have children later on in their life and as a whole. If accross the world this happens, and particularly in developing countries, we could see a decrease in the populations exponential growth, which could have a positive impact on our planet, allowing it to be able to sustain us. I believe that women are being held back because of societies ancient view that women are to tend to men, while men go out and conquer the world. Many places around the world still have this view, and it is those women who are held back. Viewing women as an equal to men means the “sharing” of power- which even today in some parts of the developed world is based on a bias perception. Although we have come a good way from where we used to be, the history is still there and there is still a lot of improving that needs to be done. My vision for the future is to see a world in which women are seen as equals to men and can live alongside one another wherever they may live.


  5. Mark This one: Women’s rights is important for many reasons; for one, they are human beings too. I believe that women deserve the respect every other person in the world deserves. Women in the workplace often work more than men but get paid less, which may be the cause of poverty amongst women. Women’s rights are important because women are fighting, not to be superior but to be equal and have the same rights as men do. It is so important for this change to occur because it will help society to evolve. When equality is present, society is able to advance in so many different aspects of life. Equality is thinking on the “next” level and seeing a bigger, better picture. In countries where women’s rights are non existent, fertility rates are very high. Less than ⅕ of the countries in the world will make up most of the world’s population growth this past century. Evidently the those countries - the less developed nations like South Asia etc, are also where girls are more likely to marry than attend school are where women’s rights lack. This however, if the nations are able to raise women’s status by allowing girls to go to school, enforcing laws that don’t allow child brides and improving women’s access to credit, jobs, land and health care can change. Places where women enjoy these luxuries and fundamental rights, smaller and much healthier families become more regular.

    1. I agree that women are human too and for this reason should have equal rights as men. I too believe society can evolve to bigger and better things once the norm of differences between genders is eradicated.

    2. I also agree that women need to be seen as human and that theu are entitled to equal rights as men. I agree with Brii and Leah that with more women's rights, society will be able to evolve even more and it will be improved, even if just by a small amount.

  6. Women have had less rights than men for centuries. In developed countries womens rights are more seen and more accepted, but in third world countries women have little to no rights. Women are abused and tortured for no reason and they have no rights to help defend themselves. Bringing womens rights to the entire world will help protect women from the abuse they endure every day. Also, as stated in the article, women only make 60 to 75 percent of a man's wages for the same painful and physically draining work. Women are seen as baby makers and not people that are capable to work and help the economy. Women are being held back for fighting for their rights because men don't see the point for women to have rights. Some have a religious aspect to it, but some do not. It is deemed socially unacceptable for a women to fight for her rights.

  7. Womens' rights is very important and more so in developing countries than anywhere but how can we make a difference in daily lives?
