Friday, March 11, 2016

5.4 Trudeaumania in the States; what is this 1970?

So Pierre Elliot Trudeau would be proud that his son is Prime Minister of Canada and that he has a similar celebrity status in Canada and the States like his father did.
1) What does all this coverage mean for Canada? The World?
2) Is this good for Canadian-American relationships?
3) What will happen when a new President is elected in the States?
4) How much does a politician's likeability mean to the country and it's citizens?


  1. Mark this one:

    Justin Trudeau has been in the spotlight since his election more than Rob Ford ever has. However, all of Justin’s coverage has been positive, even humourous at times. His ‘bromance’ with Obama has been the talk of all magazines ad sites, stretching from Tabloids to Forbes.

    It is a positive light set on the new PM and two-term President. With so much of the US and world media focused on the antics of the 2016 nominations, Trudeau and Obama have interrupted the action. Their partnership and announcements to confront climate change, encourage travel to the neighbouring country and promote trade have proved that Canada and the USA’;s relationship is as strong as ever.

    Obama’s speeches were complimentary to the new PM, noting that he has “never seen so many Americans so excited about the visit of a Canadian prime minister." Trudeau responded professionally and respectfully to Obama, even inviting Obama to address Parliament later this spring.

    The leaders has used the media’s attention to address important topics, and promote strong Canadian-American relationships. In Obama’s last months, he will be able to work effectively with Trudeau to push their mutual agenda regarding climate change, regulatory co-operation and border security. Eric Grenier noted that the visit was beneficial to Obama despite his 'lame duck' status

    The next President will have to work hard to maintain the strong Canada-USA relationships that Trudeau and Obama have built since November. Many Liberals favour Obama, so a new President could face some opposition. Trudeau and Obama’s bromance prove the importance of a likable leader. If one of them lacked public favour, the media would not be as courtesy and witty as they are now. Since both leaders are liked, they make for great headlines and the occasion punch line to a joke. The Trudeau-Obama visit certainly is an improvement from when the last Trudeau visited a President, and that is because our countries genuinely like hearing about our leaders.

  2. mark this one:
    The coverage that this is bringing is fantastic for Canada. Trudeau has recently been put in the spotlight because of his win of the 2015 Canadian federal election. With all of this attention on us, Canada could make a real impact, both nationally and internationally. The added attention is the perfect time to bring up issues and get peoples attention. This recent popularity could offer Prime Minister Trudeau a great opportunity to pass bills and laws through that originally would not have the support of the public.
    The new Prime Minister has also made friends with the President of the United States. This is a very good relationship to have considering the power and influence that the President holds. Because the current government's line up with most of their views, using this short time before the 2016 presidential election to pass controversial bills is essential. All of this coverage is amazing for the Canada-U.S.A. relationship. The people love it and governments want all the votes/support they can get.
    When a new president is elected this relationship can change or stay the same. If a democrat like Bernie Sanders is elected into office, i believe that the relationship with stay the same if not get even better. If someone from the republican party wins such as Donald Trump, I fear that the relationship will crumble on the basis that their political views would be polar opposites.
    A politician's likeability means a lot to its country and citizens. If a politician is disliked, it can be hard just to get voted in. Also, in the case that the politician in the leader of the country, making any sort of change, good or bad, can prove to be very difficult without the support of the voters. International relations can also be affected by a politician's likability. If other leaders aren’t fond of the politician they are unlikely to do business and be allies with them. Being a liked politician is a difficult but key part of being a successful leader.

    here is a like to a related article:

  3. Great time to be Canadian I think.
