Monday, March 21, 2016

6.1 My family just started doing this about a month ago

I don't own shares in this company nor am I saying it is the best but I must say having food delivered to your house is very convenient and the fact that it is organic and local is great.

1) Would your family consider signing up for something like this?  Why or why not?
2) Is this the way of the future for groceries?
3) Why should people eat local and organic foods?
4) How is this a world issue?  How does this connect to the larger world?


  1. Please mark:

    When I first head about this a while ago I thought it was great because 1. it's healthier for you (in my opinion) and 2. it's better for the earth as well. Buying locally also helps a community's economy which is another plus.
    My family would consider signing up for something like this. They like the idea of organic food and try to buy organic food most often so having it delivered to our front door for less than an organic market's price is even better.
    I would hope this could be the future way for groceries because there are many pros to it. Organic foods are also used to help people lose weight because of the stuff added to non-organic foods causes users to gain weight. Cons people would see are it being too expensive or others might not be fond of the idea that the food will go bad faster but buying organic is a choice and it's something my family does. I think people should eat local and organic food because they are environmentally and animal friendly. Organic farming also helps conserve water and protects the environment from pollution. when farming organic foods there are no GMOs, growth hormones or preservatives so I think that's good. I also think organic foods taste much better.
    This is a world issue because it connects to the nutrition and health of everyone. Even animals. Eating organic and locally would not only benefit people and the environment but it would benefit a countries' economy. This makes it an economic, social, and environmental topic.

    1. I would have to agree with you that this is a good idea for society and local economies. My family would definitely want to participate because of the simplicity. I find it a lot of effort to eat healthy today because it can be so hard to find organic foods. This would be extremely beneficial for me and my family because it would allow us to have healthy products delivered right to our home. I also think that this would have a great affect on local grocery stores. They would not like the idea because this means less people would be purchasing their produce. Since big retail chains like Wal-Mart and Zehrs sell produce, I think they would like to destroy this idea because it would greatly affect their income. I would hope this idea works because it seems very beneficial for families and communities.

    2. I personally think tips is something that could benefit a lot of people. Within the food market it is easy to want to go for the cheapest stuff when the cheapest stuff is normally the biggest and best looking, but this doesn't always mean it's the best for you. Because of the processing that goes into organic food products, they change a greater price for “healthier” food, but a service much like this one is benefiting in both price and long term health effects.

    3. I also agree that this is better got society and the economy. It's great to support local markets and also reduce the additives and the transport by staying local and organic. It's clearly a benefit to have food delivered right to our homes especially when the food is healthier for us. Personally, my family tries to live a healthy lifestyle and eat local foods. There was a show a few years back called the 100 Mile Challenge and the families were only allowed to eat foods that were grown within a 100 mile radius of their town. My parents loved this show to the point that they tried to only buy from Barrie Hill Farms. It also partly inspired us to make our own maple syrup at my cottage and eat lots of produce from our neighbours at the cottage who have a farm. Based on my experience with trying to eat local foods, I am very pro organic local foods. However, I can see this being a con for local grocery stores as their sales would go down. With that being said, I am still in agreement that local organic food delivered to one's doorstep is a very positive business idea. It's healthier, better for the environment, good for local economy and I think it would increase or sense of community.

    4. I agree that this is good for society as it promotes healthy eating and it supports local economy. MY family would definitely do this as we already try to eat as healthy and organic as possible.

    5. I agree with Leah! I think that it is a wonderful idea to use companies such as these to buy locally and organic. Although we can go to local farmers markets, it can be very beneficial and much easier to buy packages like this where you will be supporting farmers in your area and will not be contributing to inorganic and harmful growing methods or large scale factory farms.

    6. i also agree with Leah that this is an amazing idea. this would prevent you from supporting factory farms and support local farmers with the benefit of organic food!

  2. I totally agree with Leah on this. Personally, I would DEFINITELY do something like this! My family actually already does something similar to this for some vegetables and we love it! I always try my best to eat organic food but I find it difficult to eat locally because I don't do the grocery shopping in my family. Eating organic is such a good choice and it's something i try to stay fairly strict with. I love eating organic because it is such a healthier option considering there are so many things added to artificial foods. (ps. there are 12 grams of sugar in campbells tomato soup! YUCK) Also the fact that eating locally is better for the environment is a huge plus! I love this idea and would definitely be willing to try something like this in the future when I have my own family.

    1. I completely agree with Leah. I think that this would help families become healthier in their everyday lives. I think that this would also be great for more people to do because companies that make products with GMO's may reduce their production.

  3. Mark this one: I believe this is something my mom would sign up for. Eating healthy is important but I think saving just that much more time in her day would really be the biggest appeal for her. I personally do not see this taking over grocery stores. It's nice to eliminate the middle man and have cheaper food, but eventually their prices will go up because people are willing to pay more. Also, not all food that we eat is farmed locally. It is a great idea, and could be very successful, but I do not see grocery stores stopping because of this. That being said, I believe we should eat local and organic as often as we can. Local food is tastier because it was picked at peak ripeness instead of too early. Local food supports your local economy. Local food helps maintain our environment. Buying local means you know the farmer and how the food was produced. Having an organic local farmer is healthier, safer, and better for the environment. This is a world issue because everyone eats. Food production has a huge impact on our environment, our economy, our society, and it can even affect politics. Businesses like Organic Live would greatly help out poorer, more rural areas. Also would help out cities by keeping them healthy and clean. I'll be sure to remind my mom about this company the next time she talks about grocery shopping.

    1. My mom would do this too. local and organic food is always the best to eat and my mom tries to buy groceries like that all the time. It would make it even easier if it was delivered, because we do not always like to go out shopping, it would save a lot of time with our busy lives.

    2. I definitely think my family would do this aswell. Saving time is very important in a busy life and i like the fact that it would be supporting local buisness' rather than genetically modified food from other countries.

    3. i agree with you that locally grown food is a lot better for everybody. my mom would not do this though due to the fact tat you cannot pick out your own fruits and vegetables.

    4. i agree with you that locally grown food is a lot better for everybody. my mom would not do this though due to the fact tat you cannot pick out your own fruits and vegetables.

    5. This is awesome. Many families dont have time to prep healthy meals or cant afford to even buy organic. This is a positive alternative.

  4. Although I see this as a great option for many families, I do not believe it will eliminate grocery stores. Lower prices can draw many people in, but a competitive market might not allow a company like this to fully proper.

    I do agree that eating organic is something that all families should strive for. Local food supports your local economy and environment. In a world of uncertainty about ingredients, organic food allows you be confident about how the food was produced.

  5. Mark this one:

    my opinion this is a great service but it has some drawbacks. I don’t think my family would use this service because you cannot pick out your foods to see how ripe they are, big, small, etc… my mom does all of the shopping in our house and relies on seeing the food in person to be able to determine when she can cook something. What i do like about it is that the food is delivered directly to your doorstep and it organic! This saves time and money getting to the grocery store so you are free to relax or get other work done.
    I don’t think this is the way of the future for groceries. Like i said previously, some people like my mom enjoy picking out their own food. Also, it is nice to explore the store to see what other foods it has to offer. Another plus of going to the grocery store is just getting out of the house. Some people work inside all day and enjoy the little breaks in life, even if it means grocery shopping.
    The local and organic foods that this service provides is outstanding. By supporting local farmers you are generating a healthy, local economy and are helping to support smaller local farmers that are slowly being bought out by larger corporations. The organic aspect is also great. Too many foods these days are sprayed with toxic pesticides and herbicides in an effort to save money. Even though organic food can cost more, it is worth is to keep our bodies healthy.
    This is a world issue because small farmers are being bought out by larger corporations all over the world. This is causing farmers to go into large amounts of debt and not being able to support their family. Also, non organic food is becoming a world issue because it is poisoning our bodies.

    Site that correlates to the article:

  6. Think of the pollution saved by having it delivered instead of all those people driving to the store. Worldwide this could revolutionize the way people shop and see food. Not only that it comes with recipes based on the food available in the box that week. Pretty cool and so far we like it but we only get it every other week.

  7. I personally think that this is a great idea. Eating organically is extremely important for your own heath, for the environment, and for your community. And you don’t even have to do anything to achieve these great things because it all comes right to your door. Local and organic food is extremely important because it has vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes that non-organic food does not have. Food is often harvested prematurely to increase shelf life, which takes out vital nutrients from the food. Organic food isn’t just good for yourself but is also good for the environment. Pesticides that are used on non-organic food shuts down biodiversity and ecosystems, which kills much need animals, such as bees, that help pollinate 80% of our crops. Eating organically also reduces your eco footprint. Fossil fuels are used to grow, process, and transport non-organic food. If you buy locally you are eliminating the use of major fossil fuels. Lastly, eating local and organically helps out your local farmers and bring a community together. All the reasons why you should eat local and organic are also the reasons why this is a world issue. We need to stop all the negative impacts from eating non-organically (by eating organically) in order eliminate this world issue.

    My family has done something very similar to this but we ended up cancelling because we found that we would have left over fruits and vegetables and have not enough of certain things we wanted or too much of things we didn’t want. This company, however, sounds like they’ve fixed every problem my family had with the last box of veggies. I like the fact that you can pick what type of fruits and vegetables you want, it’s cheaper, and it helps out our local farmers instead of competing with them. Despite my experience with the last box of veggies company, I would definitely sign up for this one based on the information provided in the article.

    I don’t think that this is the way of the future for groceries because it sounds like a very old time rural way of doing things and people are rapidly adapting to modern ideas. I also think that poverty is too much of an issue for this concept to appeal in most homes. Lots of people can’t afford organic food so they buy the cheapest food there is, such as chips and packaged things. Although this is not a huge problem in Canada, many people in the states live this way therefor making this type of living to only be adapted by certain types of people.

    Organic boxed food business entering east grey. (2016, April 4). Retrieved April 4, 2016, from
    5 benefits of eating local and organic food. (2014, February 6). Retrieved April 4, 2016, from Author- Lynsey Wyatt,
