Thursday, March 31, 2016

7.2 Tesla's newest electric car

and I can almost afford it.  At $35000 it's a great price point but it's also a bare-bones car.
1) What do you think? Is this the car of the future? Why or why not?
2) Will the giant car manufacturers try to stop the growth of electric cars? Why?
3) In comparison to electric cars already out there how does this one compete?
4) Does owning a car like this stop climate change? How?


  1. Mark this one:
    Tesla’s electric cars have always been looked up to as luxury cars, costing a fortune for buyers and making it very hard to afford for the average middle-class family. However, due to Tesla’s Model 3 that was just released to the public very recently for 35,000 dollars, it makes it a lot easier for those interested in buying a new car to swerve into a cleaner direction – electric – for approximately the same price. This is not even mentioning all of the money that could be saved from skipping the $40 fill up at the tank every week or two by otherwise non-hybrid cars. Also, Ontario offers a $3,000 rebate to consumers who purchase a Tesla, and up to $1,000 for a charging station, knocking the price down even more.

    The oil industry, through its major lobby groups, has run campaigns to kill efforts to build public car charging stations. Through groups like "People Against Utility Abuse", oil companies posed as consumers instead of the industry interests they actually represented to spread dislike regarding utilities for electric cars. Mobil and other oil companies are also shown to be advertising directly against electric cars in national publications, even when electric cars seem little to do with their core business. Manipulation of oil prices by overseas suppliers in 1980s is an example of the industry working to kill competition and keep customers from moving toward alternatives to oil. If electric cars were to catch on and consumers were to purchase these clean alternatives as to non-hybrid cars, there is no doubt that the oil industry would find more ways to reduce its impact.

    There are other brands of electric cars that are similar priced to the Tesla Model 3 such as the Fiat 500e, Volkswagen e-Golf and the Ford Focus electric. However, the reason that this Tesla model is receiving so much attention is due to the fact that it is a “150,000-dollar car on sale.” So basically, it is similar to a luxury car, but made affordable to more people. The great news about the Tesla Model 3 car is also that Tesla has built a supercharging station in Barrie’s Park Place plaza, making it free and fast for consumers to charge their car.

    In 2010, the leading type of power generation by utilities in Canada is hydroelectricity, with a share of 63.7%. Nuclear (15.0%), Coal (13.1%), Natural gas (6.2%), Wind (0.6%), Fuel oil (0.5%), and Wood (0.4%) follow. Other sources, such as petroleum coke make up the remaining 0.5%. Today's nuclear energy production saves around 2.4 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year that would otherwise be caused by coal-fired generation. The annual carbon dioxide emissions currently avoided by the use of hydropower in electricity generation is 142 million metric tons. So, although coal still makes up a notable portion of where our electricity is generated, using electricity that fuels an electric car would still come from mostly clean and renewable resources, and would drastically change CO2 emissions affecting climate change.

    1. I agree with your points stated here. I love the idea of electric cars and appreciate that companies are attempting to make them more available for the middle-class. One thing to consider is how we can find a way to charge these cars that is price effective. Solar panels are currently quite expensive, so this makes society resort to fossil fuels. If these companies can help make the cars more available to the average person, then we have to make clean energy available at a better price. Another nice addition by the company is the nice look of the car; this will cause people who are somewhat weary of electric cars to rethink their decisions.

    2. It is truly exciting to see these electric cars starting to become cheaper. It is great because we will start to see a decrease in our CO2 emissions and maybe we will start to see a positive change in our climate.

    3. I also agree with Mahshad and Birttany. Things such as solar panels and other electricity based things can be very expensive. This is a contributing factor as to why most people resort to fossil fuels. i know that if these things were cheaper my family would most likely invest in them. are currently quite expensive, so this makes society resort to fossil fuels. If these companies make the cars more affordable to the average family, then we would definitely see an increase in these products- helping our environment, and economy. I also agree that the attractiveness of the new cars will help people who are a bit iffy with the idea of electric cars to rethink their decisions.

  2. I believe that with the popularity of electric cars, more and more people are wanting to buy them, and as they become more affordable, more people will be able to. It makes sense that big oil companies are wanting to discourage consumers from buying electric cars, as each electric car purchased by consumers is less money for the oil companies.

    1. I agree with Rianne, big oil companies will definitely discourage consumers, but we are running out of oil, it may be a good thing the future if we start using electric cars more. Especially when they become more effective.

  3. Please Mark This One:
    As a sleek, aerodynamic, stylish vehicle, the price tag is assumed to be 6 digits. However this isn't the case with the new electric powered Tesla model. This new model is listed for $35,000 US or $45,528 Canadian. This is a realistic car price for many average families. This model is a typical Tesla vehicle as it is electricity powered in a time when fossil fuels are being frowned upon. Tesla is making the decision easy to be economically and environmentally responsible.
    I think this is the car of the future for sure because of its affordability and environmental benefits. If the price of this new "$150,000 car on sale" is compared to the prices of the current top 10 cars driven in America it's clear that the prices aren't a huge jump. 8 of the top 10 cars are over $23,000 with 3 of these vehicles being over $30,000. Not only are these 3 on the higher end of the budget of common car prices but they are also the third, fourth and tenth most commonly driven vehicles in America. This means that the average family has the financial support to invest in the new Tesla model. None of the top 10 vehicles are electric which would mean that the increase of affordable electric cars would reduce the number of fossil fuel dependent vehicles on the roads. This also means that big car companies will not be overly pleased. There has been a big push recently about Climate Change so people may be more inclined to spend an extra $5,000 on a car if it is electric than the gas fed Ford F-150. However the companies that do not have electric options are now at risk of losing business to the new Tesla. The big manufactures may see this as a big threat and that could lead to an attempt to stop the growth of electric cars or companies may try to make their own electric cars. All of the prices of the top 10 American vehicles can be found at Ford, Honda, Mazda, Subaru, Jeep and Toyota.
    We all know that Climate Change is a big problem and it is becoming an increasing problem with population growth and the recent development in Asian countries. In Canada alone we produce 190 megatons of Carbon Dioxide emissions from transportation. I think that this new Tesla is the beginning of world change and keeping balance. We still get our transportation, our fancy cars but we are doing that while reducing our carbon footprint. Worldwide I believe that the increase in electric cars in North America will start to improve the issue of Carbon emissions. The use of hydroelectricity is cleaner for the environment than the burning of fossil fuels and that is why electric cars are better for the environment.
    When comparing other electric cars, it's clear that Tesla has the leading model. The Model S has almost 200km more per battery than the second ranked electric car. This would imply that the Model 3 with 320+km range also beats the Kia Soul EV which only gets 148km. That makes a big difference when it comes to travel. Personally this alone would make me chose the Tesla over the Kia because my cottage is 208km away. As far as cost goes, the second ranked Kia is nearly $34,000 and the third ranked Fiat is $33,000 so the price isn't much different.
    After investigating and comparing I am confident that this new Tesla model is a positive event. The car is affordable, stylish and environmentally responsible. We can keep our transportation habits with a 320km limit while appearing to be upper class in the "$150,000 car on sale". This answers to the PEES in a way; political as there is a big push for world leaders to limit the CO2 emissions within nations, Economical since this is an affordable vehicle, environmental because this is a cleaner mode of transportation and Social because lots of society is pro-environment and this car fits that description. Overall this car sounds like a very positive release to me and I am very pro green transportation.

      Sectoral Greenhouse Gas Emissions Summary, Environment Canada

    2. I agree that the new Tesla model will be a good start to reducing our CO2 emissions. The car is affordable and modish. Plus it's environmentally friendly. Hopefully more cars in the future will start to be made like this soon because it's indeed a positive thing to be released

    3. I also agree with Lindsay that the Tesla model is a good push to limit the CO2 emissions within the nation. I also think that the Tesla's are good because they are affordable and i have seen a lot of chargers being made around Canada so that is a good sign as well. Also as a positive point this car is environmentally friendly so overall it seems like a great invention.

  4. Mark this one.
    I think that Tesla's newest car is going to be very successful and is going to revolutionize the electric car market. A $35,000 car ($45,545 CAD) is a reasonable price for lots of families in North America, especially after government incentives and the fact that they wont need to buy gas for it.Tesla is a very strong brand and i think that when people see that they can own a Tesla for $45,000 they will definitely jump at the opportunity.

    I think that this car is where Tesla is really going to cash in as a company. When they built the $100,000 Model S they definitely knew that that price point is not affordable for the average family in North America. I think that their main goal in bringing the Model S to market was to start gaining traction and popularity in the media and in society, and they did just that. Now that the Model 3 is coming to the market, people are seeing a Tesla for $45,000 and are throwing their money at Tesla faster than you can say “Elon Musk is a genius”. If this was their plan from the start, to get people amped up about Tesla with the Model S and then make it more available with the Model 3, then they have done a great job of executing that as they already have racked up more than 230,000 pre-orders for their new $45,000 car.

    I do not think that big car manufacturers will try to stop the growth, I think that they will all just jump on the electric car bandwagon and start collecting their profit. Electric cars are the way of the future and there is no way around it so they might as well just embrace it and make some profit off of it.

    I think that if every car on the planet was changed to fully electric then that would definitely put a dent in global warming but there are still other things that would need to change to completely eliminate climate change.

    1. I agree with the points Keith brought up. I think Tesla did a great job of letting their name and brand gain traction by putting out the Model S. While not affordable for many, it let them know that this type of vehicle would be a reality in the future, and it allowed them to warm up to the idea of an alternative type of car. Now that they have their new car at a more affordable rate, I think they will see more and more companies trying to ride this wave as more consumers trade in their gas guzzling vehicles for electric ones.

  5. Please mark this one!
    I think this car is an amazing thing that could benefit so many people. It has so many benefits and I think it has a very reasonable price for what it is. Although $45 545 Canadians might be kind of pricey it is a very good long term purchase. My Dad drives 1- 1 ½ hours every day to get to work so the amount of money he would end up saving on gas prices would make a huge difference. I do believe this car is the car of the future and will change so many people’s lives.

    I think that giant car manufacturers will not try to stop the growth. I don’t think any car company will be able to compete with Tesla, but I think they will try their best to put out new electric cars. No matter how fast they put one out I don’t think they will able to make a model as luxurious and affordable as Tesla.

    Although currently gas prices are affordable to the average family, families are spending over 2.89 per cent of their income on gasoline. This is more than the 2.27 per cent Americans are spending. This doesn’t seem like a large number but reducing this number to 0 could make such a big impact on families across Canada.

    Compared to the other cars Tesla’s models are extremely luxurious. The interior and perks to it are exquisite. Tesla’s technology in the cars is also a lot more advanced than any other electric car out there. It has a large touch screen that controls several perks such as showing traffic, wifi, internal climate control, navigation, hands-free phone sync, and music streaming. The Tesla also has instant torque, Tesla exclusive charging stations and it can go farther than any other electric car. For these reasons I think that Tesla’s are a lot more desirable than the other electric cars out there.

    I think that owning a Tesla can reduce someone’s ecological footprint. I don’t think even if everyone in the world started driving tesla’s it would stop climate change but it definitely would make a huge difference. Tesla’s do not release any emissions into the environment, so without that it will make a HUGE positive impact

  6. Mark this one
    This is the car of the future. Imagine driving down to Florida for free. Only having to pay for hotel costs and groceries, because you never have to stop and fill up gas. Imagine driving to the mall, and when you pull up to the entrance, the car will drop you off and go park itself. And when you’re finished, have the car come and get you, at the click of a button. Imagine an auto pilot so advanced, that it drives itself while you work on something else in the car. Auto navigating through traffic and selecting alternate routes if need be. All this is coming with Tesla.

    Tesla is the James Bond of electric cars. When the first electric cars were released, everyone assumed they were the cars of the future, and that one day, cars wouldn’t run on gas anymore. For a while, electric cars were a hit, but not as much as we would have guessed. When electric cars started off, they were lame compared to a Tesla, and the only thing they had going for them was the fact that they didn’t run on gas. And even then, you would have to have your own charging station, there were no other electric charging stations before Tesla. Which made it inconvenient to travel any distance that would need more than a single charge. Tesla has completely redesigned electric cars, by making their models sports cars, cars that people want to drive because it offers more than an ecofriendly fuel system. Larger car manufactures that continue to produce gas cars, will- in the long run- suffer with this new affordable Tesla car. They may try and stop growth of electric cars, but with they’re current popularity, it is more likely that these manufacturers will adapt to making electric cars as well, because we are starting to see that electric cars are the cars of the future.

    Although electric cars greatly reduce the emissions that a regular gasoline car would produce, it doesn’t stop climate change. If everyone who currently owned a gas car, traded it in for an electric car, there would be a major shift in global warming, causing it to slow down so much that many of us would believe we have stopped climate change and global warming. However it won’t stop completely. There are still many other effects to global warming besides car emissions. There are still many industrial activities that continue to release CO2 emissions at an uncontrollable rate. NASA has estimated that as a species we “have raised atmospheric carbon dioxide levels from 280 parts per million to 400 parts per million in the last 150 years” not only from greenhouse gases, but electricity and other sources as well. So driving an electric car will make a huge difference, and the more people that do, will continue to change the environment Ina positive way, however, it will not put the climate change we have to a standstill.

    1. I agree with Daniel's points, and i hope that one day our society will trade in non-hybrid cars for electric cars to help reduce the impact of climate change. Although it won't happen overnight, we can stay hopeful and encourage ourselves and others to buy electric cars. And there are many more factors that contribute to climate change that need to be addressed in our society.

  7. Mark this one

    Tesla has created an elite brand out of a genius concept. The company has certainly had its struggles over the time, but the success of the Model X and Model S proved that Tesla cars were safe, smart and fun. Their downfall has always been the small market that was able and willing to buy their cars. The new Model 3 will be the first opportunity for a mid-income family to enjoy having a Tesla. Since it’s announcement, over 130,000 people have reserved a Tesla Model 3, which won’t be out until late 2017.

    But why are so many people so willing to buy a car that hasn’t even been produced yet?! I came across a clever blog in which the blogger explained that he bought a Tesla Model 3 for the following reasons:
    - To reduce his ecological footprint
    - For the fit, finish, quality and performance of the car
    - To support Tesla
    For this three reasons, I think that the Tesla Model 3will quickly become the car of the car of the future. Tesla has established a great name and product. With the price at only 35,000 USD (45,626.70 CAD) and several great government rebates (up to $14,000 CAD) make owning a Tesla possible for many.

    Tesla prides themselves on being economically and environmentally responsible. While economically responsibility can be promised by many car companies, environmental responsibility cannot be. Canadian Transportation is one of our weakest areas on our ecological footprint. If Canadians were to buy more electric cars, carbon emissions would drop greatly. With Tesla leading the way, I hope that other car companies will become more environmentally responsible. With the Model 3 being offered at such a competitive price, other car companies will embrace the fact that electric cars are the way of the future and join the market.
    When comparing other electric cars, the Model 3 is head and shoulders above. Safety standards, style, speed and price make it trendy, fun and ultra-competitive. The Model 3 combines performance, safety and comfort. No other electric car has been able to combine the three to the success that Tesla has. The Model 3 achieves 345 km of range per charge, accelerates to 100 km/h in under 6 seconds and has a 5-Star Safety Rating in all categories.


    1. The government rebates are going to be an enormous piece of persuasion for those who may be on the fence about buying the new Tesla. $35,000 can still be seen as a lot of many to a great number of people and the government rebates may help those who want the Tesla but still don't have quite that much money. It is sure to help give Tesla the biggest possbility to claim the title, Car of the Future.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Mark this one.

    With the low price point, this could very well be the carof the future. In the past, the main reason that electric cars have been so unpopular was the high prices. At 35,000 this is very comparable with other cars. 

    The biggest barrier to the new teslaa cars are in my opinion, not only the standard car companies, but oil companies. Electric cars have existed for decades but were kept hushed and were shut down by greedy oil companies and other car companies. In the early 90's electric cars were created but recieved no support and thus they faded awaay. The government was able to show zero suppport after being paid off by oil companies and the car dissappeared. (Citation below.) 

    Electric cars have to this point been seen as luxruy cars and/or "girly" cars. Now it's available to the general public and with a sleek design, it's much more likely to appeal to a variety of consumers. Even though the $35,000 car is bare bones, it's still a huge jump from the cost of the previous Tesla vehicles. 

    Owning a car like this does not "stop" climate change, but it is a step in the right direction. The best way to start to stop climate change is for each individual to look at the impact they are having. If a person lives their life with the planet in mind, they will make a difference. If everyone continues this habit, there will be change. Car emissions, although not the worst thing, have an enormous impact on the Earth. If Tesla cars become the cars of the future, there will be a noticable change for the better across the planet. I'm hopeful that this technlogy will continue to progress and will one day save this world. We can not let big companies destroy small startups like in the past.

  10. Mark this one: I believe Tesla is making the cars of the future, but I don't think we are at that future just yet. I think it's awesome that I see a bunch of people driving in their Models X or S around Barrie. They are helping create cleaner air for everyone. The only downfall is that we do not have the infrastructures to handle everyone having an electric vehicle. It's likely that we are heading into another energy crises and we do not have enough nuclear plants to support how much energy we use. This brings up the other issue that nuclear plants aren't great on the environment, but we need more of them to be able to have cars that are better for the environment. Of course there is wind and solar energy but they don't produce nearly as much energy as we need.
    I believe that if Tesla became very successful, and it's on track to do so, large automotive companies like GM or Ford would attempt to buy out Tesla. Many oil companies are campaigning against electric cars. Other automotive companies have electric cars, but let's be real, none of them are as cool as a Tesla. Tesla has done a great job marketing their cars, I haven't heard anyone say anything negative about one. Other hybrids or electric cars may have some negative connotations with them, such as "mom car" or similar.
    Climate change is a huge issue caused mostly by the people in developed countries. CO2 emissions from cars are a large factor in climate change, but they are not the only factor. Everyone owning a Tesla vehicle would help climate change a bit, and it would help us become more stylish, but it does not solve the problem. Fossil fuel burning plants are likely the biggest factor in climate change, and electric cars could put a higher demand on them. There are many methane emissions from animal and agriculture farms, so if you often drive your Tesla to get a steak, you are still negatively impacting climate change.
    Even though Tesla's won't stop climate change or really come that close, I would definitely own and drive one because they're overall really awesome.

  11. The first time I had ever heard of this car I was overjoyed that a fully electric car was being made. I was happy with hybrids because they can still go a long way (which is essential for some people) but are also environmentally friendly. But now that this new, affordable ($35000!), fully electric car has come out, it makes me want to convince my family to trade in the Prius for a Tesla. Although there have been others, like the Nissan Leaf, there are many qualities to a Tesla that top all the other electric cars. It can go a longer distance without having to stop and charge, where as a Nissan Leaf can’t even make it to Toronto. It is faster than other electric cars. It has a more appealing look than a Nissan Leaf, for example, which can be a deal breaker for most people (which is kind of sad that people would rather have a nice looking car than one that is good for the environment). All of these qualities built into one electric car proves that it is the car of the future.

    I believe that car manufactures will not try to stop the growth of electric cars. I think that is a very popular idea to own an environmentally friendly car, especially with our worlds pressing climate change problem and all the attention that is being put towards the issue. The popularity of electric cars is only going to grow and car manufactures will happily rake in the cash.

    Owning a Tesla does not stop climate change. It does however make a huge impact even if just one person owns one. The average American consumes approximately 500 gallons of gasoline a year. So if one person has a Tesla for a year, that’s 500 gallons less that is used. Now imagine all the people who already have a Tesla and who are planning on buying one. This amount alone can effectively impact climate change. Even if everyone in the world had a Tesla climate change would still be a problem because there are many other things that produce green house gasses. If the electricity to charge Tesla is not coming from clean energy like solar or hydro energy than it is still contributing to green house gas emissions. The only way I will ever be 100% satisfied with a environmentally friendly vehicle is if it runs solely on used vegetable oil, water, or urine to provide some examples (all of these I have heard about, whether they are just in early planning stages or already on the roads).

    Works Cited:
    Mok, K. (2008, July 21). Pop quiz: How much more gas do Americans use?. Retrieved April 4, 2016, from
    Today’s model 3 unveiling a make-or-break moment for Tesla. (2016, March 31). Retrieved April 4, 2016, from
