Wednesday, March 9, 2016

5.3 Immigration rates

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Liberal government announces more immigrants will be allowed into Canada next year.
1) Why are we allowing this?
2) Is this more than previous years?  By how much?  When was it higher?
3) Where are these people going to live?  How will this affect Barrie and you?
4) What is the different types of immigrant classes coming into Canada?  Is one easier to enter than others.


  1. Mark his one:
    I believe that immigration into countries like Canada have increased because it's seen as a sort of safe haven, partly due to our reputation. As an immagrant myself I can see why it's so appealing to migrate here, it's safer, easier to get a job and there are many more oppertunities. I think we are still allowing this, one for our reputation, but also out of human decency, to help those in need. Aside from refugees, a lot of immigrants are around middle class because living in Canada isn't actually that cheap and paying for reccidencey and citizenship is quite expensive.

    1. I too agree that people may see Canada as a sort of "safe heaven" compared to their home countries. I think that it is important to allow immigrants to come into Canada not only for the reasons pointed out by Courtney, but also because we need them in order to fill jobs that our decreasing population cannot.

    2. I have to agree with Courtney about how the reputation of Canada plays a role in the number of immigrants. I also think that we have this increase due to our population. Like we had learned in class, Canada's birth rate is now lower than the replacement rate of 2.1 (Canada is at 1.61). Our government allows these immigrants in so that we can increase our population for tax flow. As well, these immigrants can help our economy by being a member of the working force. Overall, I think that immigrants seem to want to come to Canada and Canada seems to want them; this causes our immigration rate to increase as it is.

    3. I agree with Rianne and Courtney about hoe Canada is a safe heaven. Along with this and helping others, i think that by allowing immigrants we are help sustain Canada as a country. With the decrease of birth rates, we Canadians need as many immigrants as possible to come, have a family and give life so we have people to support us when we are in the dependency load. Another reason it might be a safe heaven is the fact that we are peace keepers. It kind of brings light on our country and helps our reputation as a country as well.

    4. I also agree with Courtney about how most people see Canada as a safe place to live. I think that we should continue to bring immigrants because they are helping our country. Many immigrants create their own stores and build their own businesses which helps Canada grow. I also do not think that overpopulation is an issue that we will have to worry about by bringing in immigrants because right now we are underpopulated.

    5. You need to add some supporting evidence to your opinions. Also, your post should be a little longer and more in-depth.

  2. I agree with Courtney. Canada is known as a safe and welcoming place to live. I think it is a good thing that Canada is helping people in need. Canada is a great place to live and we have a lot of unused space, so if we have the resources we should be welcoming as many people as we can with open arms in order to provide a safe and happy life for as many people as we can.

  3. I agree, to an extent. We do need immigrants in our country, however too many may overpopulate us, which we do not need. Yes, we should be helping them, but what about the people that have been on the list for years, and what about the people that are less fortunate in our own country. Yes, we help them, but to what extent until we start looking at our own country for problems.

    1. Canada is definitely admired all over the world for safety and development. These people are in such desperate need of help it sickens me knowing people can just turn their heads. I believe you CAN NOT compare Canada's problems to whats going on in their countries. We are not going through anything nearly as traumatizing as they are. We are not afraid to leave our homes due to war. Nothing is stopping us from going to work or grocery shopping. We can still continue our daily routines regardless of what Canada's 'problems' are. As for the less fortunate, food banks are available. We have homeless shelters everywhere. There are so many wonderful programs our goverment offers us such as welfare or disability that TONS of people take advantage of. There is only so much help society can offer but you still have to want to make a change in your own life to help yourself.

    2. I also agree to an extent. Immigrants can be a good thing for our country, in fact we need them. But we need only a certain amount. Taking in too many could overpopulate us. I’m not saying don’t help them, because I agree that we should always be lending a helping hand to those in need, but while we are helping in other countries, sometimes we turn our backs on those around us living in our own communities. I think that we should work on stabilizing ourselves while starting to help others rather than jump head in to other countries. This way we can help ourselves and others.

  4. I agree that people see Canada as a safe place to live with many opportunities. I also agree that we are letting people move here due to our reputation and our desire to help others but I do believe that we should also help people in our own country before we become too overpopulated.

  5. I believe we should help those in need no matter how large of a group that will be. I understand that overpopulation is an issue and there are others in our own country that need to be helped but we have plenty of organizations and resources for them to help themselves. Like, think about some homeless people you see on the streets. There are shelters for them to stay at. I volunteer for an organization and we have been overpopulated with people all year. So clearly there are many taking advantage of the resources available for them. I don't understand how people can say "oh we shouldn't take any more refugees because we have homelessness and poverty and whatever to deal with here in Canada" ???yeah?? we DO help those people in need. I agree with Kasie that sometimes they don't want to make the effort to better their life and there's nothing we can do about that. But to the people in Syria who need to immigrate elsewhere, think about WHY they have to. There's a war like in their backyard ?? Is there one in Canada? No. They need somewhere else to go. So I think it's brilliant that we're taking in more. And as we discussed in class, other countries that are smaller are taking in triple the amount of refugees we have. So I don't think anyone in Canada can say "we're close to being overpopulated"
