Thursday, March 3, 2016

4.5 Pass the ketchup please

Image result for leamington tomato festival

This is great for more reasons than I can explain.  Read and think:
1) Why has this gone viral?
2) What does this say about society and eating well?
3) Is this a first world problem only?
4) and what about the high-fructose corn syrup?


  1. MARK THIS ONE: This has gone viral because Heinz ketchup has stopped using Canadian tomato's in their ketchup and closing one of their Canadian manufacturing plants. By making this choice, Heinz has closed its plant in Leamington, and 740 people lost their jobs. A new ketchup brand, called "French's" is now operating in the recently closed Heinz ketchup plant, making their own ketchup out of Canadian grown tomato's which consumers seem to love, and is free of preservatives, artificial flavors, as well as free of high fructose corn syrup. After people where educated on the ingredients in Heinz ketchup versus the ingredients in French's ketchup, they all chose to buy French's ketchup over Heinz. I believe that society is making a more conscious choice about what they are eating. It also shows how foods made in Canada, from Canadian products, and is free of preservatives and artificial flavors, is important in the purchasing choice of society. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) currently lists 3,000 food additives approved for food use. However, while approved for human consumption, food additives may still threaten human health. This is one of many reasons why it is better to purchase whole foods, or those that have been minimally processed and treated. The use of preservatives and artificial flavors is not just a first world problem. To explain, a lot of food are grown and imported to Canada. In order to preserve the food, people put in additives that affect health. Also, when we give food to countries in need, many people believe that GMO foods will "feed the world", and so people in third world countries are also digesting the additives that unnatural to the food that they are eating. Lastly, High-fructose corn syrup is a common sweetener. As use of high-fructose corn syrup has increased, so have levels of obesity and related health problems. It can contribute unwanted calories that are linked to health problems, such as weight gain, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and high triglyceride levels. All of these boost a person's risk of heart disease.


    1. I agree that the chemicals and modifications that are necessary to preserve foods for us are harmful and can be avoided. Most of us were in Drino's English class last year and watched GMOs OMG so we are all aware of some of the complications. I also think that replacing the jobs in Canada made a big impact on people around the country. There wasn't really a reason for Heinz to leave Canada other than it was cheaper to grow the tomatoes for a longer season somewhere warm, but they were doing okay in Leaminton. The use of high-fructose corn syrup is a huge issue in my opinion. Almost everything in the States has fructose added and it has been linked to higher obesity rates. Keeping this out of food will certainly help our obesity rates and lower the addiction to sugar the fructose gives us. Personally I think it was a great idea economically for Canada and also a good business decision for French's to replace all of the jobs in Canada and make ketchup here.

    2. I agree that society seems to be making more informed choices with their food purchases, but I also think that they like to support the Canadian economy. In my family, we love to go to the Farmer’s Market to buy home grown food because we understand how much it really helps the local ecological/agricultural economy (not to mention how it tastes better!) Also, I think that people like that the Ketchup is free of several preservatives and chemicals. I have seen commercials for the new French’s Ketchup and they really focus on how there is no preservatives in their Ketchup versus how Heinz focused on the noise the glass bottle made when you try to get Ketchup out. I think that the brand better presents itself than Heinz and that Canadians seem to like the truthfulness and closeness of the brand to Canada.

    3. I am completely against Heinz's company and how it lost Canadians several jobs. First of all the high fructose corn syrup used in Heinz ketchup is very harmful to us and has a large correlation with the rise of obesity among Canadians and Americans. Furthermore, French's ketchup is improving Canada's economy. With this in mind it should be obvious that French's ketchup is the best choice for Canadians.

    4. i agree with Rianne on how using artificial sweeteners is not just a first world problem. I think that the health of people in third world nations is not properly taken care of and needs to be addressed.

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  3. Mark this one…
    This has gone viral because Heinz ketchup was our main condiment. It was the best and a couple years ago when the Heinz factory closed because it was sold to the states it devastated Leamington. I have family that lives there, and I remember when the factory shut down, so many people lost their jobs. The good thing about French’s coming in and taking over the ketchup business, allowed farmers to get back to doing their job in producing tomatoes. Bill Rhodes, a farmer in Leamington said since he was able to go back to growing tomatoes, he could count on getting anywhere from $4,000 to $5000 per acre of crops before expenses. People starting getting some of their jobs back because French’s got farmers to sign a contract before growing season. The reason French’s went viral was because people did the research, and they taste-tested it and they chose French’s over Heinz. They also liked the use of natural sugar and pronounceable ingredients. Brian Fernandez posted his support to the new ketchup and the reasons he picked it over Heinz. People like the fact that French’s is still using Canadian tomatoes and are free of artificial flavours. This says our society is interested in trying to eat healthier and find food that tastes good as well as good for you. In a sense, it is a first world problem by it just being a condiment and an extra bold taste to add to a slightly less appetizing meal. When the topic is just on ketchup, yes it is considered a first world problem. Except, when you look at the big picture, the ingredients they are putting into this new ketchup, no preservatives, no artificial flavours, good tomatoes, these things are healthier for you. Eating healthy is not necessarily a first world problem. Everyone should be eating healthy and the people who don’t are in all parts of the world. Another thing is that French’s ketchup is free of high fructose corn syrup. This syrup is a common sweetener in sodas and candy. The use of this corn syrup has increased so much that levels of obesity and health problems has also increased. There is not sufficient evidence to say that high-fructose corn syrup is any better than other types of sweeteners, however, it is proven that too much added sugar can contribute to health problems. Natural sugar is easily digestible in a human body, so any other sweetener affects our bodies in a different way, and the fact that high-fructose corn syrup is used most often is not healthy. Because of this, society is very happy with the fact that they can have food with condiments that are high-fructose corn syrup free.

    1. I agree with all of this. This facebook post has gone viral because people love a homegrown product. They enjoy helping out the local farmers, and it's a great bonus that the ketchup is healthier. I also agree that there isn't enough evidence to prove that high fructose syrup is worse than other types of sweeteners. I believe that any type of sweetener in large quantities is unhealthy.

    2. I agree that people are choosing French’s ketchup because it is the ‘healthier’ option. Unnatural sweetener is terrible for your body. It’s funny that people are choosing this ketchup because it’s healthier given that you usually eat ketchup with unhealthy foods. There are extremely better options other than Heinz and French's like making your own ketchup. For example this Wellness Mama's homemade recipe. They use honey instead processed sugar.

    3. I agree that people are choosing French’s ketchup because it is the ‘healthier’ option. Unnatural sweetener is terrible for your body. It’s funny that people are choosing this ketchup because it’s healthier given that you usually eat ketchup with unhealthy foods. There are extremely better options other than Heinz and French's like making your own ketchup. For example this Wellness Mama's homemade recipe. They use honey instead processed sugar.

    4. i found it interesting that you associated the reason it going viral with Heinz and not the content itself.

  4. Mark this one:

    Brian Fernandez’s post about French’s ketchup has gone viral because society is starting to care about their purchases. As Brittany stated, the Canadian population is making more informed choices with purchase. I believe that purchases are based on quality and benefit. If we look at French’s ketchup versus Heinz ketchup, the French’s is similar. It has is less preservatives, artificial flavour than Heinz, and it is also free of high fructose corn syrup. however it’s the “societal” benefits of the product that lure consumers. By promoting the facts that "French's" is now operating in the recently closed Heinz ketchup plant that uses Canadian tomatoes. The post has gone viral because it reveals these truths.

    The Ontario government is investing 2.5 million dollars into the “Tomato Capital of the Canada”. Kathleen Wynne claims "Leamington tomatoes are the best in the world”. French’s, despite being based out of New Jersey, has been smart and come to Canada to use materials (French’s mustard seeds come from Saskatchawen). Brian Fernandez’s post, the response by consumers and the actions from the Ontario government prove that consumers are actually interested what products are beneficial to us and our society.

    The Heinz versus French’s ketchup debate is a First World Problem. However informed consumer shopping and supporting domestic products is something that should be applied globally. If we do not support our own products, who will? Although small, I believe the feud between French’s and Heinz will open consumer’s eyes. It is a smart decision for French’s to join the Ketchup market, especially with strong reports such as Brain Fernandez’s. The mustard market is significantly smaller and the ketchup market is far more loyal. By launching French’s Ketchup to a glowing report as seen in the article, I think Heinz should be looking out.


    1. I agree with everything Emma has said. Most people want to support our country and our Canadian farmers which is why this post has gone viral and really gotten everyone's attention. I also agree that it was smart for the French's company to come to Canada to use materials. I think that it is good that this has gone viral because it makes us aware of what products we should really be buying and what products are from Canada.

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  6. Mark this one:
    In the age of the internet almost anything can go viral. It just has to either be funny or get peoples attention. I think that this video went viral because of the locally grown tomatoes. People love to support the little guy, when they hear that this could help out some small tomato farmers in Ontario they jump all over it. Another reason why this went viral is because French’s makes really good, and natural tomatoes. By using local ingredients and less additives, French’s has made a healthier version of ketchup to accommodate modern societies search for a healthy lifestyle. In my opinion this is a first world problem because of the types of issues it deals with. One of the issues talked about in the article is if the ketchup if healthier. People in third world countries don’t usually care if the food they are eating is bad for them. Also, it deals with saving local jobs. Most of the world's factory jobs are in third world countries already to save on cost, so that doesn’t apply to them either.
    It is still unknown if high-fructose corn syrup is worse for you than regular sweeteners. Even so, it is still bad for you and can contribute unwanted calories that are linked to health problems, such as weight gain, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and high triglyceride levels. All of these boost your risk of heart disease.

    links related to article:

    1. I agree with Michael that the internet is a large cause for things to go viral, without it, it would be harder to have international news. I also agree that this has gone viral because eating healthier and 'dieting' is a large fad in first world countries especially, and so people are buying into learning how French's is making healthier ketchup.

  7. I haven't tried the new French's ketchup but when our current bottle of ketchup runs out I will be searching for French's. I like the whole idea of helping local farmers and eating healthy. Moreover, I want French's to do well and show the world that local healthy food is a viable option for the world. Good work folks.
