Tuesday, March 1, 2016

4.2 Population growth affects us all

Urbanization is a big part of Global Issues as communities expand they put pressure on farm land.
This is happening right in our own backyard.  Read this article and think:
1) What effect would a population that high have on the city of Barrie?
2) What demands to the environment and social institutions will this growth have?
3) How can we slow/curb this growth?  Are we going to effectively manage this growth?
4) What other areas of the world are experiencing growth?  How are they managing it?



  1. Mark this one:
    I think that if the population of Barrie continuess to grow it would effect the city in positive and negative ways, it just depends on how to view the issue. The flow of traffic throughout the city would be slower, jobs in the city of Barrie would also be taken. However, this gives more opportunity, with more people in the city to open more jobs and companies with higher chances of it being successful, eventually increasing the economy in Barrie. For the residence in Barrie, the housing market would rise, along with the prices of houses. This would be good for the current residence of Barrie but for people planning on moving in, it almost defeats the purpose of moving from Toronto as the houses may end up just as expensive. Finally, I believe the biggest effect that a high population would have on Barrie would be the need of transportation. Due to the amount of people in Barrie the lack of efficient transportation has been manageable, with more people in Barrie we will need to make much better and efficient transportation available. This could happen by running the go trains and busses more often throughout the city. With more people, we would need more houses, and workplaces, schools(many social institutions) in order to have the city of Barrie run smoothly. However, to make these things happen to create a well working society we would need to pollute our environment. This would mean getting rid of the forests and open area we have in Barrie and turning it into a more industrialized city. To manage and slow this growth, the city would need to regulate the amount of permits they give out to build homes. However, if this doesn’t work we could just raise the prices of living in barrie causing people to move more north, the reason they came to Barrie in the first place. China has the largest population in the world, they make up 21% of the world’s population. To control this growth, in 1979 they created the one child law in China. In 1980, a sterilization goal was set and mandatory for people with 2 children. At the 1983 peak, the economy in China changed from one of agriculture to industry. The government simply used population growth to their advantage as economic growth hinders population growth.


    1. My family moved from North York to Barrie because it was a quiet city with not a huge population compared to Toronto. My parents also wanted a bigger house for less money but if the population and expansion of things in Barrie is to increase, I agree with your point that the housing market would rise. Which does defeat the purpose of people moving from Toronto to Barrie. And in order for Barrie to run smoothly, I agree that we'd need more efficient transportation and social institutions. Around where I live they've already demolished a forest on Essa and are going to build condos soooo it sucks seeing the once green forest like that

    2. I agree that population growth may have positive and negative effects. Positive effects can include more diversity and growth in certain sectors. However negative effects include environmental loss, traffic, and inflated prices. I agree with you entirely Brii. Politic must look at growth and determine when it is detrimental to the environment, society and the economy.

  2. Mark this one: Since the population in Barrie is steadily growing over the years Barrie will have to face changes and find new ways to accommodate such a high population. There will be an increased demand for City services such as public transit, policing and social services including family counseling and community social workers. Population growth in our city would become a major social issue. There will be added pressure on the medical care system including a need for more family doctors and treatment clinics. Another major issue that will need to be redesigned or thought out will be the school system, it will need to be expanded greatly and local school needs reevaluated as population densities shift within the city limits. Waste management is already an issue in our city that is becoming a concern that will need to be looked into and handled. With a rising population for Barrie, waste management will need adjustments including a greater need for recycling and waste diversion programs as the City landfill sites begin to approach full capacity. On the positive side, job openings will be created to build the housing needed to accommodate the population growth as well jobs to fill the concerns listed above.

    Increased population creates increased demand for clean water, which is taken from the lake and local aquifers to fill water towers around the city. The City will have to build facilities to handle increased wastewater and water treatment demand. We will also need to look at water conservation measures to limit the amount of water that each household uses especially in the summer (restrictions or bans on lawn watering) to conserve water supply. The increased population will result in increased garbage, which has to be dealt with through various means including dumping, waste diversion, recycling, or possibly incineration, which is an option that the City and County of Simcoe have so far rejected. To control/slow this population growth we could refrain from building new housing, without housing people will not locate here. Lower housing densities so that there are fewer homes built per hectare. Other areas in the world have taken serious steps to controlling their large population growth; one of the main places in the world is China. China created a one child per family law and if this law was broken the family would face consequences and if they follow the law they gain benefits such as “one child certificates” that brought them cash bonuses, extended maternity leave and better child/overall health care.


    1. I agree with your opinion in this subject. I think that a large population growth will cause many struggles for our city. I believe that if our population is going to grow, than the city of Barrie should already start planning for all the necessary changes (medical, schooling, waste removal that Erin suggested). I also think that the increased pollution from more people will affect these categories. Air pollution will definitely cause an increase in reported asthma, and breathing related illnesses in Barrie. Oil and gas could get more expensive because of the increased population (as seen with Montreal recently). I find it interesting that my family moved from Montreal to Barrie to escape the increasing growth and development of the city, but it appears as though we only delayed the process. With the world’s increasing population, I wonder if this will also happen to smaller surrounding towns.

    2. My fathers family also moved from Montreal to start a life in a quite area. My mom's moved from Toronto for the same reason. When i asked my parents about the change they have seen while living here throughout all of the changes made in the past 20 years, they say that barrie is starting to become more and more like Toronto. When they moved here it was mostly farmland- now it is all city. I also think that if Barrie plans to expand on as it has and more, it needs to take action and prepare for all of the changes that it will experience, including schools, and medical care as Erin suggested.

  3. Mark this one: I believe a growth in population of Barrie could be a good thing. It would create many more job in construction, to house the growing populations, and for schools. There would also probably be an increase in restaurants and other food establishments. Unfortunately looking at a growing population from an environmental point of view, it's has its down sides. As the population grows so does the amount of space we take up, and the food required to food everyone, which is already becoming hard to keep up with. I think when China introduced its one child rule they had the right idea but they should have worked out the problems first, such as people have multiple kids but giving up the ones they didn't want. Many families with have lots of kids in hopes that they'll work and make their family money, others reply on the child support that some countries offer, and this puts a strain on the government.

  4. Mark this one: Barrie is known as one of the fastest growing cities in Canada due to its proximity to Toronto. Barrie's growth rate between 2006 and 2011 is 5.7% so its not a surprise to see that it is assumed that by 2041 our population will be 253,000. Though this large population growth have may benefits to our economy, there are some problems that may arise. As you may have noticed several building sites for condominiums have started to develop near our lake shore. Though this is good for our economy it takes away from the visual appeal that our lake shore offers. When we think about Centennial Beach we think about how nice it is in the summer with festivals and activities, not the condos that are taking over. A population this large also has a big effect on out farming industry. In Ontario it was stated that over 9 million acres were available in 2006. With an increase of population comes an increase of residential space needed to accommodate extra people. With this comes a decrease of farming space available. This requires several demands for social institutions and our environment. We would require more buildings for schools because we the majority of Barrie's population is youth and adults. It is also necessary that we protect our farming lands because a lot of southern-ontario land is used for farming. There really is no way to slow this growth other than raising the price of rent in condominiums. To control this population we would need to have a lot of business growth. The country that is growing the fastest is Beihai, China. China had implemented a one child policy to deal with this great increase. Luckily the one child policy is not necessary for Canada.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Mark this one:
    I believe that the growth of Barrie could have both positive and negative effects. Some positives would be that there would be more construction of more services to support more needs, like restaurants, pharmacies, etc. Also with the increase in population the government would be forced to improve many things about the city such as public transportation, road design, and service industry. The increase of population could also inspire people such as city planners to think of more sustainable living ways and think of ways to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. On the flip side, increase in population would also increase the cost of living. The cost of housing has been and will continue to go up as the population increases. Our city would also become very crowded and it would cause the expansion of houses and residence use. From 2012 to 2016, statistics show that the average price of a house has increased by about 100,000 dollars. That is a very significant amount. Also the amount of active listings had also been decreasing because of the population growth. In 2012 there were about 1,200 active listing whereas now in 2016 there are only about 700. It would also harm our environment because forests and protected land would be demolished and used for residential area. The traffic would also become a lot worse and the roads would become crowded. I believe that one way to slow down this growth would be to increase house prices and the cost of living. If things increased in price, families would be having fewer children because they may not be able to afford anymore. I also think that if there was more access to contraception then it would slow our growth. I think that Barrie will be able to manage this growth but maybe not as effectively as we would hope. As I said earlier, as the population increases, then forests and wildlife areas would be torn down and in my eyes that is not an effective way of managing the growth. As we talked about in our world issues class, the developing countries are experiencing fast growth in population. For developing countries, their population grew from about 6 billion people in 2000 to about 7 billion in 2010. Whereas the more developed countries barely grew at all in that same time period. These developing countries are not handling this growth well because they are just increasing the amount of people in poverty.

  7. mark this one: the growth of barrie marks a significant change and improvement in the city’s infrastructure as well as how the city will aid the province as a whole. As barrie increases in size and in population, the need for more service jobs and more employment opportunities such as people working construction, doctors, social workers, etc. also will increase. This will increase the number of possible jobs that are available within the city as the highest employing jobs in the city ar education and public workers. As the city continues to grow, there will be more of a need for organizations and corporations to move in and create job opportunities for the residence and in turn, give more money back to the city to use for the growth and expansion of the public sector. This increase in jobs will also assist in lowering the unemployment rate in barrie with increased to 7.2% in july of 2015 which is a larger scale increase from what it was in January of 2015, 5.5%. The average cost of housing in a city of barrie’s size is $365,000 which is an 8.2% increase since January 2015. The average household will only bring in an annual salary of $86,000, which is hardly enough for anyone to even consider buying a home. For the city to grow, more land has to be readily available for the city to expand and create more housing and living opportunities, thus lowering the cost of purchasing a house and also increasing the area in which more jobs can be built and given to this new residents.

  8. Having grown up in the region I have seen it grow considerably. My biggest concern right now is the urban sprawl that has been created in the city. We need to develop the downtown and build up, not out in order to help the environment and the city.
