Tuesday, April 5, 2016

8.2 You are being watched...

With satelite technology getting so advanced it may be soon that you will be able to pull up google maps and see yourself looking up google maps!
1) How is this going to be used for good and for bad? Is this an invasion of personal privacy?
2) Do you agree with this new technology or not? Explain.
3) Where do you see this technology going in the future?
4) How is this a global issue?



  1. Mark this one...This technology will be used for good and bad. As it says in the article, it will be used in court cases to find who did the crime easier. Such as environmental crime, personal crime and maybe terrorism. The bad ways for this new technology is the invasion of personal privacy. This technology allows for people to see pretty clear pictures of people on the earth. Things that people want to keep private can potentially be revealed and that does not seem fair. Everyone has a right to his or her privacy. I agree with this technology to an extent, if it helps with fighting crime and improving our technology, I am all for it. However, if we start using it in the wrong ways than I am not so comfortable with this, I enjoy my privacy and if this is invading it, I do not want random people knowing what I am doing. This is a global issue, in potentially good ways. The one being, these satellites can see the entire world, and hone in on certain parts. We can look into terrorism attacks and find who is starting them quicker; we can track air quality patterns and try to figure out a stop to global warming, and we can plot new land and find ways to help our population and healing our earth. In the future, this technology I feel will help with solving more crimes and help regulate global warming. These satellites, in my opinion have more pros than cons, however it is a very controversial issue, such as bill c-51, in the sense that our privacy is starting to be more violated and that does not sit right with many people anymore. The big question is do we give up our privacy to keep everyone else safe?


    1. I totally agree with what Jaz has said here. This new technology will help us with global (or local) crimes but on the same part it can be seen as an invasion of privacy. It is kind of a catch-22 on the basis that it could help solve court cases and crimes much faster and could help with terrorist issues, but a lot of people will feel uncomfortable with having their privacy potentially invaded.

    2. I totally agree with what Jaz has said here. This new technology will help us with global (or local) crimes but on the same part it can be seen as an invasion of privacy. It is kind of a catch-22 on the basis that it could help solve court cases and crimes much faster and could help with terrorist issues, but a lot of people will feel uncomfortable with having their privacy potentially invaded.

    3. I have to agree with Jaz here. I think that this could be beneficial for society if it is placed in the right hands. But, I am also concerned that this could be to much power and control given to someone, even if it is for the bettering of society. Just imagine what would happen if someone with malice intentions got a hold of this technology. We would be in great trouble. I also have to agree with the privacy issue brought up. I personally think that most people would not enjoy having their privacy being invaded, but I think that this all depends on what society deems more important: their privacy, or potential reduction of crime rates.

    4. I have to say that I this could be worse for the world than people anticipate. Although this would be intended as a technology used to save lives, the invasion of privacy angers many people and for good reason. Being in a country where the government is constantly watching over you ad can see what you're doing at all times is the stuff of dystopias. Privacy is a right that all humans should have access to. I've been to countries where people are on constant surveillance and it is not somewhere I would ever want to live.

    5. I agree with what Tosha said. Although it is great idea to be able to see who committed crimes and that kind of thing, but Canada is a free country and i believe if they end up doing this i wont feel as comfortable. I think the best thing if anything would just be to add cameras to busy intersections and high crime areas. But putting everyone on watch seems a little extreme to me.

    6. I agree that it could be a good thing when we look at it with a security standpoint and that people could be safer when it comes to crimes, but there is a point where we can't allow others to watch everything we're doing/saying or anywhere were going. Going to the extremes and wanting to keep track of everyone at all times is something that could be very dangerous to the people in the long run.

    7. I agree. This news could have good or bad consequences. For crime we will be able to see a great increse in preventing terrorist attacks and finding fugitives. However it is still an invasion of personal privacy, something that the public is definitely not to fond of.

  2. Please mark this one:
    Similar to Jaz, I see that this can be used as a positive growth in technology and negative. In the article it focuses on the positive uses like how to help with crimes and disturbances to the earth. This could also be seen as an invasion of privacy because the pictures are so accurate. If these images were public thieves could get their eyes on the dream cars they want and which driveway they're parked in. These images may even help terrorists if the wrong people get the satellite images. Clearly this is not something that anyone would like to see happen and this is a huge world issue. I agree with this new technology if it is solely used for the right reasons and doesn't encourage illegal activities. However with the wrong people running these systems it would be very easy to let some information slip and some crimes may occur. Globally this has already proven to find illegal landfills and stolen vehicles. Illegal waste dumping is hugely profitable and highly illegal so stopping these activities would be ideal. We are all aware that landfills lead to global warming which is another reason that being able to monitor these landfills will be a positive use of this technology. Overall I feel that these will help reduce crime worldwide but it can be a touchy subject as it is a little creepy to think that these cameras can see our personal lives.


    1. I agree that it's a cool way to greatly reduce crime rates but it is a controversial issue because it does violate personal privacy. I mean, it's not like I/majority of people do anything extremely illegal but I'd rather not be watched 24/7. It would make me feel uneasy

    2. i agree that this could help with environmental crimes big time! it is hard to get proof of who is committing these crimes. with images as evidence it would prevent a lot of environmental damage.

  3. Mark this one: Satellite technology is not a new concept to our society, as we have been photographing our earth in detail from as far back as 1959. Despite this, the technology has never been so advanced, as now you can even see a mail box or manhole cover from space, as according to the article. This technology appears to be extremely beneficial to individual cases to helping to protect our wounded environment, however, surveillance of this kind often can induce fear among people. Bills like the United States’ “Patriot Act” stand out among the world’s most invasive surveillance, with phone lines and emails all being monitored with the intent to stop terrorists. The act, in its early years, accused often harmless groups and individuals of being suspicious. Imagine if the Patriot Act was abused as it was, but with this satellite technology. Chances are a lot more unethical and false accusations would be upon the citizens. With such powerful, almost military-like technology, the government would have no trouble abusing it, as they have done in the past. I do believe this technology will benefit such global issues as pollution and over-all environmental problems, but i believe it to be unethical for individual cases. Being under constant surveillance treats the citizens as if they are criminals, which reminds me of the widely shared belief that Ted Cruz, republican candidate, and his act to have surveillance on all muslim communities are unethical. If such surveillance to supposebly combat terrorism is immoral, then why isn’t constant surveillance of the general population regarded the same? Just because technology is advancing does not mean people should give up their right to privacy.


  4. Mark This One
    I believe that this technology will be used for the good and the bad. Some positive outcomes from the use of this new technology will be being able to use it to help build cases against criminals and crimes of al sorts as stated in the article. Some negative outcomes from this new technology will surround the invasion of personal privacy. Installing this around the world will cause some controversy due to its potential positive and negative outcomes. This is an invasion of privacy whether it's used for good or bad, new technology allows for every single one of our personal lives to be monitored whether we like it or not by people whom we do not even know exist. Most people will feel uneasy with this idea including myself, even though we may not engage in any illegal activities we are still on constant watch. I’m a little on the edge with this idea because I do enjoy my privacy but it does offer some great potential to stopping crimes such as small robberies all the way up to terrorism. In the future I see this as a great way to help benefit society by stopping crimes, however if this technology becomes so advanced who knows what will be monitored… as we know not everything is as it seems and there are always going to be people who do not follow the rules and use something to their advantage. From using it for preventing illegal activities and benefiting society all the way to watching you use the washroom, have a shower, or even sleep. I know i wouldn’t want that. This is a global issue because we can use this for so many positive reasons that will benefit us, but what if the power of this falls into the wrong hands? This could mean extreme problems for government organizations devoted to stopping these high degree crimes such as terrorism in many countries assuming that many countries will have this advanced technology. Top secrets could be revealed, for the good and the bad.

    1. http://www.nasa.gov/press-release/new-nasa-satellite-maps-show-human-fingerprint-on-global-air-quality

    2. i agree with Mackenzie when she says that all new technology allows for our personal lives to be monitored. this is just on a more personal scale because they can watch us from space without us even knowing. at least with social media sites you decide what to share.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Mark this one

    This technology, as all new technologies, could be used for good or bad. However, it was founded to protect people from environmental crime and personal crime.. Possibilities for this groundbreaking technology could include helping and maybe terrorism. Obviously, technology like this forces us to question if it will become an invasion to our privacy. This most certainly is an invasion of privacy, however that is how we must pay for safety. In our society, the majority favour protection over privacy.

    Like everyone else, I fully support this technology as long as it is properly being used. If properly used, it has great capabilities to helping reduce crime and terrorism greatly. This technology will allow criminals to be found faster and possibly even prevented. It can track and prevent terrorist activities. As stated above, it could even be used to plan agricultural areas and reduce Climate Change.

    These satellites are most definitely a controversial topic. These satellites and other new technologies like drones have several pros and cons. This global issue of privacy invasion is becoming as common no matter the country. Whether the police are watching or the government is, we must consider the process in comparison to the result. In this day and age we must consider the benefits to society compared to the effects left on us. If this program will result in a safer environment, we must ask ourselves how much the process affects us.


    1. I agree with Emma that this is a great idea if it is being used properly. I also think, as Emma mentioned that it has great potential to help reduce crime and terrorism and it will be easier to find and prevent criminals.

  7. Mark this one:
    Satellite imagery is not a new concept but in recent years the technology has advanced to let a camera from space get up to 30 cm resolution. This technology could be used for good by helping government agencies locate criminals, environmental crimes, land disputes, etc. it could effectively save a lot of time and money by providing definitive proof of these activities and conflicts. However, if in the wrong hands this technology could be used to spy on people and even other countries, creating national security concerns. Even though you cannot pick out specific people yet, you could still see patterns in their everyday activities by watching their vehicles and house. I do believe that this is an invasion of personal privacy because i am not aware that this satellite is watching me and have not provided consent. If this is used to track individuals without their permission i would consider it to be an invasion of privacy.
    Even though this could cause personal privacy concerns i believe that this is the next step in locating illegal activity on an international scale. If this is used to only locate illegal activity or there is consent then i agree with this technology.
    In the future i see many more, higher resolution, full video coverage 24/7. Technology is advancing faster than ever, it is only a matter of time for this satellite imagery to get better.
    This is a global issue because from space somebody is able to view and keep surveillance on the entire world. There is no protection from this kind of technology and everyone is affected.

    Article that relates to this:

  8. While I think that this could be very useful in stopping crimes, even local ones, I think that it is too much power and is an invasion of provacy
