Monday, April 11, 2016

9.1 Video Blog Posts

This week is a little different.  Everyone will find a short video (10 minutes max) to post and people will comment on it.  Could be a music video, short documentary, TED talk, etc. As long as it shows a world issue and isn't too graphic (remember this is a school based learning platform).  Give a small description like the one below to intro the video.  Have fun!
A good site to check out is: and if you find one that is too long then try to find the trailer for it and post that instead maybe?

I love this video. It is a video about the environmental destruction of the earth and how we need to rethink how we use and extract oil.  The lyrics fit the images so well and sends a very powerful message about Mother Earth. Interesting to note that James Cameron created the harsh mining world in Avatar after seeing the Tar Sands first hand.  We are heading towards studying the environment and some talk will be given to the tar sands so this is fitting.


  1. 8:46

    This ted talk by Rob Harmon, a natural resources expert, constructs a way to manage over consumption of fresh water. rivers and streams are the "veins of the ecosystem" and they are emptying all over the word, thus making it a world issue. Harmon's market mechanism to conserve water evolved from the century-old tale of Prickly Pear Creek. The main point of the story is that the first settlers have a right to water and where it goes. Harmon's suggestion is to restore the water to takes and rivers by paying the people to leave to leave their water in-stream. This procedure provides economic support for rural communities and ever more importantly, returning billions of gallons of water to deprived ecosystems.

    (Although this video is based in Montana, it's cool to watch how one person solved the issue there).

    1. This was a very interesting TED talk, and I believe that people take advantage of the water that we have and it won't last forever; so, we have to find solutions in order to help conserve it.


    I selected "War" by Edwin Starr as my short video. The song was written as a blatant protest against the Vietnam War in 1969. However the song's message is timeless. War is used as a means of protection, however as the lyrics in the song state, there must be another way to resolve conflict. With the war on terror as prominent as ever, I believe that this song still has value. The video clips used are from the Vietnam war and protests during that time however I think it is safe to say that they could be changed with modern videos and be just as powerful.

    1. After watching this video, I believe that what you said is completely accurate. It is eye-opening to me how in the video it was so easy to kill another human being; it should not be that simple for a human to think of taking the life of another. I also think that the video proves to be timeless because of its accuracy today. In wars that are happening today, may civilians are dying unjustly. War seems so ridiculous when look at it from the same point of the video. I hope that more have the chance to experience this video because it changes one's perspective of war. As Emma mentioned, maybe this could help society decide on another way to resolve conflicts other than war.

    I chose the song Man in the Mirror as my short video. It is a little different than what is asked in this blog. However, the meaning behind this song is to look at yourself. This is a world issue, on personal growth and self image. It is important to look at yourself, to see how you can help the world. We are looking at how things can benefit us by helping others, we need to take a break from that and let it go, to help the world. As it says "If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change." It starts with you and that is how we can help, self image, depression and how people feel poorly about themselves.

    1. I agree with Jaz's opinion on this video. The song is definitely an exploration of personal identity and the relationship of an individual to society. I think it also represents one's contribution to social change, especially from the black community. When I did some research on the original singer of this song, Michael Jackson, I discovered that proceeds from this song and events relating to it all went to children with cancer, abused children, and children living in poverty in developing countries ( This shows that the song is meant to make a difference in our world by helping youth in need, but also to help those who struggle with self image.

    2. I really admire the fact that Michael donated the proceeds from this song to those in need. I feel as though more and more so today artists are more concerned about making themselves wealthier and the fact that Michael chose to selflessly give to those who are in need say a lot about his character and just proves that anyone can help make a difference! This is a song I definitely listened to when I was growing up and felt such a deep connection to it because everyone at one point is searching for their own unique identity. Even after so many years after being around this song still has so much relevance.


    The video I selected was a music video called 'Formation' by Beyonce. This video has a very powerful and symbolic message that follows the theme that black lives matter. When a young rapper named Anthony M. Barre was murdered, his case was left unresolved for years. When a potential suspect arouse, police did not put a valiant effort into determining if this man was the true killer; therefore, all charges we're dropped. Nobody was every charged for the murder of this talented young man. Police brutality and discrimination has recently been a hot topic in the news and this music video was made to highlight how wrong it is. If you notice, a wall in the music video is graffitied, saying "Stop shooting us". This is an obvious acknowledgment of the officers that unjustly shot people of colour. I believe that the lyrics and the video has a strong value in our society that is still struggling with discrimination.

    (***Sorry for the few curse words; I think they were include just to send the message forcefully to others.***)

    1. I love that this issue was brought up and completely agree with the message. Not only regarding black lives matter but the history of discrimination of Asian and Latino backgrounds as well. I feel that discrimination is still strongly present but became a less spoken about topic until the conflicts with police began. Although I believe that people are so focused on trying to not discriminate against "black lives" that society is instantly turning to their side regarding police brutality. In videos I have seen I do disagree with the treatment of the accused, but in stories or other cases the media does twist the truth and no one takes into consideration the police side.

    I think as students in Canada we all kind of take for granted the education we receive. I do think education is extremely important and a necessity to living in today's world. Canada is a fully developed country and one of the best places to live in the world yet Natives are still stuck in almost third world conditions. This video shows the lack of education Natives have and how it is still a rising problem. I think it is absolutely horrifying that this is still a very common issue in Canada right now and this really needs to change. People need to become more educated on the issues around Canada so we can make a change.

    1. Wow, I had no idea education for the first nations people is so bad. It`s interesting to see that Canada's GDP would grow by 160 billion within the next year just by closing the gap between our education and theirs. Its almost as if the country still doesn't care abut them. Which is sad because of how we treated them as we immigrated to north america. The first nations people deserve every right we have, they should have just as much of a fighting chance as anyone else in Canada when it comes to education and employment. That's what Canada is all about. Diversity and equality.

    2. I agree that is issue is very horrific. Changing the amount of education for just one generation would last forever. It is a more complex issue than just education, but education would make a world of difference. It would likely have prevented things like the suicides in Attawapiskat. And I'm sure it's happening in other places too and we just don't hear about it because we don't care. It's crazy to think that we don't learn about what we did to them in our Canadian history courses.

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    This video talks about how many people are on the earth. She explains how to world is growing exponentially and in only 100 years we will reach 10 billion. She talks about since the world has the less natural resources than we started with a each person is consuming more individually. Her predictions state that as we start to run low on the clean water and oil, the countries/regions who have it will begin to keep it to themselves thus causing man wars. As for population growth is the motto the more the merrier the right way to go?

    1. very interesting video, the fact that we are loosing natural resources is an issue and we just keep growing in population. It is a dangerous path humans are on right now

    2. This video was very informing and gave great information about how quickly our population is growing. I agree with what it said in the video about how the population keeps growing but our natural resources do not, so what will we do when we don't have enough resources?

    I chose the song "Invincible" by Hedley for the message it sends and issue it addresses both in the lyrics and in the music video. As teenagers we are all aware of bullying and our self image and our struggles with friends and relationships ect. Bullying and not feeling worthy of life is a world issue and no one should have these feelings and negative events happen to them. However, as young adults in any part of the world, this is something that we all face everyday. This song focuses on finding a part of yourself and holding onto it tight. I think the message to get up after going through some hard times is very important in the world, especially since mental health is a trending topic to see improvement on. This song shows these struggles and sends the message to love yourself and be happy the way you are.


    This video is the one of the best explanations I've found so far about Syria's war and why there are so many refugees spreading out through the world. This war is so complicated, that the different groups fighting and supporting the war, don't even know who their enemies are anymore. I had no idea how many different groups there were involved in this war, and the video provides an explanation as to what is going on over in Syria, along with a history of the Syrian war, and why there seems to be no end in sight.

    1. This is a very interesting video. We often discuss this topic in class and I always feel like I'm not educated enough on the topic to really form an opinion. It's simply explained yet still very factual. This is a cool youtube channel.

    2. This video was an extremely understandable explanation of a very complicated war. I had no idea how many countries were involved, nor did I truly understand why. I feel like many people like to share their negative opinions on the refugee crisis when many of them do not even have the full facts, and this video is very easy to follow and educational. Its amazing how messy politics can be.

    3. I really enjoyed this video. The simplification of such a complex situation can be very beneficial to thousands. Video's like this make crucial information much more clear and easy for people of all backgrounds to understand.

    4. I liked this video a lot because it explains things a lot more in depth with things I didn't know before.


    This video is called "The Hidden Costs of Hamburgers" it discusses the environmental issues on how much beef is consumed in America. On average we eat 3 burgers per week. The amount of water and land used to make just one burger is insane. The video isn't recommending cutting out all meat, but it is recommending cutting back on meat significantly because the amount we consume is unnecessary.

    1. I liked this video, interesting stuff said

    2. I like this video because it's something not a lot of people talk about, many people don't understand the effects this industry has

    3. I like how this video does not attempt to make everyone cut beef from their diet. Cutting beef out every North American's diet would be next to impossible considering the amount of fast food we consume on average

    4. This topic should be way more talked about. It is threatening to our environment and our health. Our meat consumption is out of hand and I personally believe the meat and dairy industry is disgusting.

    5. I am glad that you picked this video! Very little people know the damages that the meat/dairy industry causes to the world regards to fresh water, food, land, climate change, abuse, etc., and it is definitely something that needs to be talked about way more often.

    6. I like this video because not many people are aware of this issue and the impact it has. It's a very eye opening topic that really should be talked about and have more attention brought to it because of it's negative impacts.


    my video submission is from when the earthquake in Haiti struck. This song is a cover of K'naan's song "Wavin Flag", and was made by several Canadian artists to show their support for Haiti at the time. It was also made as an attempt to encourage people to donate more to Haiti at the time as well. Since we talk about foreign aid every once in a while in class, I figured it would interesting to look back, and remember just how important foreign aid can be.

    1. I think this song is a perfect demonstration of what was asked. The song is so powerful because artists that we all know and love come together to try and help raise awareness for Haiti and the tough times they were facing. Not only does this bring awareness to Haiti but it really makes you think about all of the other places around the world that suffer due to the issues addressed in the song. I feel as though this song was very effective and surpassed its goal of raising awareness as it was talking about globally on the news and still continues to be relevant today.

    2. I agree with Austin. This song was extremely necessary to gain foreign aid from North Americans after the earthquake in Haiti. This song was very powerful in the message it made.

    3. I also agree that this song was a great way to raise awareness for the country and to provide aid from people around the world. It was nice that all of these famous singers came together to raise awareness and to bring such a strong message to the world.

    4. I agree that this song was very important to raise awareness and support for the people affected in Haiti.


    In September 2015 the United Nations launched a 15 year plan to make the world a better place. The 17 sustainable development goals are focused on improvement and is a focal point of UN week in New York City. A number of summits provide the opportunity for world leaders to come together in achieving theses global goals. I chose this video because it touches upon multiple global issues at once. Poverty is selected as the #1 issue throughout the developing countries. Hunger, lack of clean water and sanitation are closely tied with the issue of poverty. Education is touched upon and the UN predicted 2011 that if all students even had basic reading skills, world poverty could be reduced by more than 10%! The last topic talked about in this video highlights the inequality that women for the main part face day in and day out. The video sets out to help inform the public on current issues around the world that we in developed countries may not even be aware of. Slowly but surely we are taking action but it is clearly stated that in order to make a difference we all need to com together.


    SO, the video I have chosen to share is twelve minutes long, however the issue in which it discusses should cause endless conversation. This Ted Talk is about child marriage in the developing country of Malawi, and features a personal story of a child who was impregnated at the age of only 11. The cultural practice of child marriage is truly barbaric and dangerous to the young girls involved, yet it still happens in many places in the world.

    1. I agree that child marriage is very dangerous to the young females involved and yet not enough is being done about it. It's horrifying to think that a young girl who would not even be in high school had a child, and it's even worse knowing that she's not the only one.


    This video is a TED talk by Josette Sheeran. In her video, she talks about the issue of world hunger and how there is enough food on the Earth for everyone, and yet there are still millions of people dying due to hunger and famine. She believes that the issue of world hunger cannot be solved by just one person. In fact, she believes that it will take everyone working together to help stop hunger.

    1. This Ted Talk touches on an issue I feel like I personally ignore often, not on purpose, but just because it isn't something I avidly ponder or am super passionate about. It is interesting how there is more than enough food to feed the entire world yet everyday people are dying from lack of it.

    2. good TED talk. it focuses on an important but widely ignored issue. world hunger kills millions each year and we have the power to stop it.

    3. I loved this video, it was very a good reminder to an issue that is often ignored. World hunger is a major issue that we as people around the world should be coming together to work on. I also agree with Jenny's point that there is more than enough food for everyone but people still die of starvation.

    For my video I picked one on international women's day by last week tonight. While the show usually talks about American issues I felt that this video can be educational because it shows us how a day meant to empower women, can still be taken as a joke

    1. I feel like international womens day should be taken seriously. Womens rights have seen a lot of progression over the past decade or so but there is still room for improvement. For some reason international womens day is not viewed as realistic. It is seen as unnecessary and it is mocked. Women deserve more respect when it comes to empowerment.


    Women have made huge progress in the best century at gaining rights in North America. Although it was in the 70's that American women had to fight for abortion rights, it is still a huge problem. Politicians have placed laws that make it extremely difficult for women to claim there right of abortion. Scary that this is still an argument in such a highly developed country. It's hard for them to fight for women's rights in other countries when they are denying their own women rights.

    I choose Mary Lambert's "Body Love"
    This is kind of like a slam poetry talking about women's expectations, self love and acceptance. The first time I watched this video was in 2012 and it truly inspired me. It really puts how ridiculous our self expectations are into perspective. I probably listen to this 3 times a week. I know every single word and never get tired of it. I strongly encourage you to take the few moments out of your day and just really listen to what Mary is saying. Share it with your friends and family to inspire others.

    "Its never easy to accept that our bodies are fallible and flawed."

    1. I love the self love movement. I don't think anyone, man or woman, should be ashamed of their bodies so long it isn't interfering with their health. Expectations in the media are turning our generation into a group of people who is being taught to hate themselves. Shameful.


    I think that it is extremely necessary for everyone to know that only 1% of our worlds water is fresh water. This is something we should all be concerned about because water is our world's most important resource. We should be more careful about our water consumption because the water we use in our toilets is cleaner than the water that some people drink. As North Americans, we take our water for granted when we shouldn't.

    1. Fresh water is now referred to as 'blue gold' and many people are investing their money in fresh water due to how little we have in relation to the 7 billion people on the earth requiring clean drinking water every day. Other nasty corporations, such as Nestle, basically 'steal' fresh water from other countries to sell for profit and do not face consequences.

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  20. Monica InglisApril 17, 2016 at 9:43 PM
    I chose the song "where is the love" by the Black Eyed Peas. This song is somewhat about the war in Iraq. But the true meaning of this song is referring to the fight against racism that takes place around the world. It talks about how kids are getting involved in gangs and caught up in many situations that should be avoided. This song is telling us what this world is turning into without love, true genuine love. It states all these awful things that are going on in the world but primarily the issue of racism.

    1. great song and the meaning behind it is powerful

    2. I used to love this song in elementary school and I think that it is amazing that a band that was so popular to young kids wrote a song that addresses major issues that occur in our own society

  21. Eve of Destruction- Barry McGuire

    This protest song touches on many issues of the 60's such as discrimination, equality, war, political issues, etc. What comes to a surprise is that these issues are still issues today. The song describes wars bursting on in the middle east as well as the continuous threat on nuclear war ('button being pushed'. The song refers to discrimination and the frustration of trying to gain equality in a world where "human respect is disintegrating".
    I believe the song reflects many world issues. It sends a strong message even in present circumstances and unfortunately relates.


    This is a video about depression and how we still have a lot of work to do in order to get rid of the stigma around mental illnesses. I believe there aren't enough resources out there for people who battle with mental illnesses and that the medical help put out by doctors and professionals are not as helpful as they should be. Sometimes, it can take up to a YEAR to receive the help that you need from doctors to begin the road to a better life. People are committing suicide because they are on a long wait-list to see a therapist/psychiatrist or because doctors do not take their patients seriously and did not receive the help that they desperately needed.


    i picked how much a dollar cost by Kendrick Lamar. it highlights the issue of homelessness, drug abuse, and greed in North American society. i believe that this song raised awareness on these issues. interestingly enough, this is president Barack Obama favorite song of 2015.

    This is a video on recycling, more specifically smart recycling and proper waste management. While I'm sure this is something we all know about and are aware of its importance, this video really brings to light the simple little improvements we can make to help our environment and economy. Although this video references statistics in Europe it still very much applies around the world considering the amount of waste we produce as a species. It puts into perspective the easy little things we can do to improve our world.


    This video focuses on censorship and the silencing of dissenting opinion. It focuses on the United States but it is an issue that affects countries across the western world. It also talks about violence in the political scene and why it happens and how it could be stopped.

    I couldn't find a short video clip or a trailer for this TED talk but I really enjoyed watching it and I think others would too. It was very inspirational to hear Angelica Dass's story, her opinion on the topic of skin colour and also the beauty behind her project.


    This is a 4-minute video of spoken word by three girls who are part of the “Get Lit” (literacy) organization. It touches on a lot of different world issues but the main idea is that kids learn more from the behaviour, laws, and values shown in their culture and society around them than they will ever learn from a standard curriculum in America. In the American society, these kids are seeing a ton of contradictions that don’t go along with “American values” that are tough in school. An example is gun violence. My favourite line in this spoken word is “there is a child holding a copy of “The Catcher and the Rye” and there is a child with a gun. But only one of these things has been banned.” Although gun violence is a major issue in America, this spoken word also touches upon poverty, rape, capitalism, the dark history that laid the foundation for America, homophobia, and much more.

    1. I really like how this video addresses so many different issues within America. Especially since the US causes so many problems for other countries.
