Monday, May 16, 2016

12.3 Urban Sprawl in the GTA

This short article is really interesting as it shows that people are getting ready to RETHINK how they attack development but not everyone is on board.
1) Why do we need this kind of legislation? Who will benefit from this?
2) Why are some people opposed to this?  What do they have to lose or gain from it?
3) Research the proposal.  Will it work?  What will be some problems with this?
4) Look at the picture attached to this post. Where is Toronto built-up and where is it built-out? How does this tie in with the environment and sustainable development?


  1. Mark this one:
    I believe society needs this kind of legislation due to the over growth of cities and the development of many problems. Many problems including expensive housing, over pollution, increase consumption and waste, and the largest problem being the loss of rich agricultural land. Everyone will benefit from the decline in urban sprawl because farmers will have the ability to keep their land and grow crops resulting in fresher, organic foods and a decline in housing expenses and over consumption. As well, the use of vehicles would no longer be a dependence. another problem with urban sprawl is the far distance housing is located from necessities such as grocery stores, work or schools. Those opposed lose their large rich looking homes, personal housing space or "sense of community", but gain farmland, pollution reduction, and the government can more easily meet the needs of citizens.
    I do have faith that the legislation will have a beneficial effect, and feel that it's a small step closer to a better change.

  2. Mark this one:
    I believe we need this kind of legislation because of the amount of people we have living in the area, but also because the family sizes have decreased dramatically. Some people may be opposed to this change because, your house is also seen as your status in life. If you live in a big house then people seem to think you’re a superior figure, but perhaps if you lived in an apartment or condo, your social status is seen to be lower to other people. Although some may be opposed for that reason I think there are a lot of benefits to the change. With the decline in urban sprawl, we can help many aspects of the environment that we have been over using. With more people living in Toronto, we can prevent lots of travelling people will just take buses to their jobs, with this a lot of the meaningless traffic on the highways from “rush hour” will end too. With a “historic” change like this I think it is normal for people to be against it but when the changes has fully been made I think everyone will see the benefits.
