Thursday, March 31, 2016

7.3 Is post-secondary education getting to be only for the rich?

Students clashed during a protest at a rugby match in Bleomfontein

Seems as though tuition costs are going up all over the world and if they continue like this we will fall back to a time when only the rich could attend post-secondary school.
1) What are your thoughts?
2) Is this a local South African Issue? What is the bigger issue?
3) What measures should countries take to provide education for their people?
4) What effects will this have on the South African economy and the worlds?

7.2 Tesla's newest electric car

and I can almost afford it.  At $35000 it's a great price point but it's also a bare-bones car.
1) What do you think? Is this the car of the future? Why or why not?
2) Will the giant car manufacturers try to stop the growth of electric cars? Why?
3) In comparison to electric cars already out there how does this one compete?
4) Does owning a car like this stop climate change? How?

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

7.1 Arctic Troubles

Global warming at its best.
1) What does this mean for us in Barrie? What does it mean for the rest of the World?
2) Is this truly due to global warming or is it just a natural cycle?
3) How might we be able to change our ways to help stop this trend?
4) What potential benefits could arise from this?

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Please read!!!

Due to the storm please have your assignments ready for Tuesday (lucky kids!) and have your weekly posts done by MONDAY night.  Enjoy the break with your family and get some rest.

Happy Easter to you and your family.

6.4 The only way to get out of poverty is to...

If developing countries are to move out of poverty they will have to work hard and come up with new ways of doing things.  They will have to be forward thinking and take risks.  Here is an example of that:
1) What kind of economic development condition is Paraguay in? Where are they on the DTM?
2)  Who is going to benefit from this?  Big companies? The local farmer? Why?
3) What can other developing countries do to improve their economic situation?
4)  What barriers do developing countries face when trying to improve their status?

Monday, March 21, 2016

6.3 Spring Forward, Fall Back..who came up with that?

Not sure who but I can guarantee it was a PR marketing firm that has big business in their best interest. Read the following article and think:
1) Why do we continue to use Daylight saving time?  Do we really need it?
2) What does daylight savings time do to our economy?  At what cost to the environment?
3) Are you shocked to hear that this is mostly about business and money?  Why or why not?
4) Does the whole world follow DST?  Why or why not?

6.2 Plus sized models what is the world coming to

Sports Illustrated underwent immense pressure on both sides to put AND NOT put a plus sized woman on the cover of their latest Swimsuit edition.  Read the following article and think:
1) What does this say about our society? Are we more tolerant towards larger people now?
2) What does this say about women's rights? Is this good or bad for women?
3) How is this a global issue?
4) Will we ever see "the dad-bod" on the cover of a magazine?

6.1 My family just started doing this about a month ago

I don't own shares in this company nor am I saying it is the best but I must say having food delivered to your house is very convenient and the fact that it is organic and local is great.

1) Would your family consider signing up for something like this?  Why or why not?
2) Is this the way of the future for groceries?
3) Why should people eat local and organic foods?
4) How is this a world issue?  How does this connect to the larger world?

Friday, March 11, 2016

5.5 Abortions - let the debate begin...

Image result for gynecology

1) How much does religion have to play with this decision for these Italian doctors?
2) Should doctors be forced to do the procedure to help control population?
3) Is this a women's rights issue?  What does it mean that the number is up from 2005?
4) Are there other countries in the world where this is happening?

5.4 Trudeaumania in the States; what is this 1970?

So Pierre Elliot Trudeau would be proud that his son is Prime Minister of Canada and that he has a similar celebrity status in Canada and the States like his father did.
1) What does all this coverage mean for Canada? The World?
2) Is this good for Canadian-American relationships?
3) What will happen when a new President is elected in the States?
4) How much does a politician's likeability mean to the country and it's citizens?

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

5.3 Immigration rates

Image result for come on in

Liberal government announces more immigrants will be allowed into Canada next year.
1) Why are we allowing this?
2) Is this more than previous years?  By how much?  When was it higher?
3) Where are these people going to live?  How will this affect Barrie and you?
4) What is the different types of immigrant classes coming into Canada?  Is one easier to enter than others.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

5.2 Women's rights

Today is international Women's Day so here is an article about women's rights:
1) Why is women's rights so important to the world?
2) How can we make the change needed to help empower women in the developing world?
3) What connection does women's rights have to population growth?
4) What is holding women back in their fight toward equal rights?

5.1 Softwood lumber dispute - again

When I taught this course four years ago this was an issue and when I taught this course 8 years ago it was an issue.  This has been a BIG issue for many years and affects a BIG part of our economy.
1) What is the issue?
2) Why is it such a big part of our economy?
3) What is the larger issue? That is, what does this say about US-Canada relations?
4) How can we solve this issue?

Thursday, March 3, 2016

4.5 Pass the ketchup please

Image result for leamington tomato festival

This is great for more reasons than I can explain.  Read and think:
1) Why has this gone viral?
2) What does this say about society and eating well?
3) Is this a first world problem only?
4) and what about the high-fructose corn syrup?

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

4.4 Feeling a little crowded?

Since we are studying population I thought this would be good to read even if it is a couple years old.
1) What will happen first? We will destroy the earth or will it destroy us?
2) How many people do you think the earth can handle? Why?
3) What can be done about this?

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

4.3 You might want to buy a boat?

Sea level is on the rise but how much of it is natural and how much is man-made?  This article talks about that:
1) What's the big deal about 5 inches of water?
2) Who cares? Why should we care?
3) How can we control this?
4) Who does this affect the most?

4.2 Population growth affects us all

Urbanization is a big part of Global Issues as communities expand they put pressure on farm land.
This is happening right in our own backyard.  Read this article and think:
1) What effect would a population that high have on the city of Barrie?
2) What demands to the environment and social institutions will this growth have?
3) How can we slow/curb this growth?  Are we going to effectively manage this growth?
4) What other areas of the world are experiencing growth?  How are they managing it?