Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Blog Overview

This is an overview.

In general you can post to the news events of the day by selecting from the tabs on the right of the screen.  They are organized by the week.
You will be responsible for posting on one news events from a world region per week AND commenting on two or your classmates posts as well.
You can post as many as you like.  One, Twenty, but I will only select one for evaluation.
That post should contain a MINIMUM of two sources (not including your newslink itself), and one of those two sources should be from a reliable (i.e. academic/government) source. Please try to abstain from using wikipedia, random websites, etc.

You will begin that post with the statement "This is my weekly post ..." or "Mark this one"
Please change it up on a weekly basis so that you have covered each region by the end of the course. I won't be a stickler here, so you can overlap a tad, but if I notice that you are constantly posting on the same issue on the same part of the world then I will make you aware of the need to vary your posts.

Try to comment on another student's post so that it feels like a conversation/debate/or learning table.  You may even include a response as one of your selected posts to be evaluated.  In fact, I encourage it.

As the course develops and we begin to understand the major global issues, you may wish to explore a particular topic more in-depth.  A particular issue may strike a chord with you.  You may also take part in a long-term ongoing conversation on that topic that lasts the duration of the school semester.

If you want to add another sub-topic to each unit, make a request for me to add it  by going to the tab on the right titled "Mr. Lahaie please add..."  And I can create a new sub-heading where we can create a discussion board on that topic.

There are roughly 17 weeks to the course and there are 17.5% marks allocated to the area of Thinking/Inquiry.  Convenient. This means you will receive approximately 1% of that mark component based on your weekly participation.  You will be expected to tie in course material that we cover on methods of critical thinking and analyzing World Issues.

This blog is live - this means it is a work in progress and can be modified to suit the needs of your learning.  Feel free to post comments/suggestions under the tab titled "Mr. Lahaie please add"
Let's get this started then shall we?


1 comment:

  1. Hi Mr. Lahaie, I can't seem to figure out your email but I would like to talk to you about the blog...
