Wednesday, February 24, 2016

3.3 Trump is on a roll

I can't believe I am putting an article in here about Donald Trump but here goes:

1) Why do people love him?
2) What do people have to be angry about?
3) What is his platform?
4) What would happen to the world if he became President?


  1. MARK THIS ONE: In the United States of America, the current front runner for the Republican party is a billionaire real-estate developer that has a mind full of controversial thoughts. As a Canadian, I am extremely interested to find out why his supporters believe that Trump would treat them better than the other politicians they mistrust.

    The most rational reason why someone would support Trump is because they are motivated and encouraged by his anger with the current state of the country. The people of the United States want change and the only candidate that displays a form of dependability for change is Donald Trump. Regardless of the words that come out of his mouth, people can count on him to say whatever he is thinking or wants with no regards to how it will be perceived. I also think that people believe Trump is trustworthy due to his ideas and the way he talks. The one thing that makes Donald Trump different from every other politician is that he constantly says things that are non-normative; I believe this “authenticity” makes people trust him more than the other candidates.

    The people of America are angry because of their current situation. As the article explained, the people feel like they lack the basic materials of self-sufficiency, the idea of blind, and gnawing resentment. They are upset because their lives were suppose to improve starting approximately nine years ago, but they are still stuck in the same situations. The anger they feel allows them to relate more with the anger of Donald Trump.

    Donald Trump’s platform is not very traditional. On immigration, Donald Trump believes that we need to build a wall across the Southern U.S. border, that immigration laws must be enforced, and that Americans’ should have job priority over immigrants. For trades, he wishes to bargain with China to save America more money. With U.S. veterans, he says he’ll give them the best quality care and will fire all corrupt VAs. He says he will offer tax relief for the middle class and will not add to the American deficit (Which is interesting because his immigration plan will cost millions). And the scariest thing that I read from his platform is that “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon. Period.” (Thinking of the overwhelming gun violence in America, this is very concerning.)

    If Donald Trump became the president, U.S.A would be changed drastically. His immigration plan will definitely cause upset to other countries, not to mention how this expensive plan will add to the American deficit. Mexico would probably hate America, as Donald Trump is trying to get them to build the southern border wall. Trump’s controversial statements will likely cause upset to other countries and may even cause a war. After reading several comments on articles about Trump, many Americans have said that the would want to leave U.S.A if Trump is elected. This clearly shows that some habitants are concerned about Trump and the effects of his potential presidency.


    1. I agree that Trump could do a lot of harm to the United States. I think a lot of American voters want a fresh start and think Trump could give them the crash before the new beginning. I think what we need to keep in mind is that the other republican candidates also have strong opinions on immigration. Rubio is 100% against allowing refugees into the United States. John Kasich, like Trump, likely would go to war. Cruz holds similar opinions on gun control. Trump is just much more present in the world media than the other candidates. I hear a lot of talk about how terrible Trump is, and it is true, but it is just our more liberal Canadian views against his republican view.

    2. I agree with Brittany and Annabelle. If Trump was in control he could cause a lot of damage to the USA. But like Annabelle sad the other Republicans have similar views as trump on certain situations. In particular immigration, war, and gun control have become issues. Marco Rubio will NOT be allowing refugees into the United States, John Kasich has lead us to the realization that he would most likely go to war, and Ted Cruz has similar beliefs on gun control. i think the reason everyone is so put for trump is because he is an opinionated man who speaks what he believes. he does not hold back in fear of what might be thought of him. He has one goal and that is to become president.

    3. I also agree with the previous statements. Trump would definitely cause big issues if he was elected and i'm sure a war would probably happen. I think that at first, Trump running for presidency was a joke and now some people like him just because they think he is funny but really they are not thinking of the harm that he can cause to their country. Also i think some people who have similar views are agreeing with Trumps points, but realistically Trump does not have a filter. By that i mean, whenever he thinks something, he just says it and sticks with it no matter how dumb it may be.

    4. I agree with Brittany's statement. Donald Trumps platform is mainly based on fear. He uses the idea of fear to have American voters support him. One of the largest concerns among Americans is terrorism due to the recent attacks in Paris. Trump has very strong views on immigrants and needs to understand that there is a large difference between Muslims and radical Muslims. 93% percent of Muslims are against the support extremist views of terrorism. His views on gun violence in the U.S. are also extremely alarming considering there are 32,000 annual deaths in the United States do to guns. So does reality and billionaire really have what it takes to run a country?

    5. I agree with all of the previous statements. Trump is a great business man for what he does but he not fit to run a country and make decisions for the benefit of others as he is really only focused on his own wants. He strikes fear in Americans so they will support him and tries to gain respect by giving statements no one ever thought they would hear. His racist and unbelievable ideas would definitely result in damage and potential war.

  2. I agree. I believe that if Donald Trump does become the President, he could definitely start a war and offend a lot of other countries. His platform is very inconsistent and is not very well planned out. I, along with many others, do not think that Donald Trump should be the President.

    1. I agree with Rianne with saying Trump could potentially cause a lot of harm globally if he became president. I believe he would destroy the already corrupt American government, but would also try and destroy other countries as well

  3. Mark this one:
    Well as a supporter of Donald Trump I like him because he doesn’t care what people think about him. He says what’s on his mind and doesn’t care who it offends. That alone would be enough for me to like him but he also wants to lower taxes, enforce American immigration laws and be tough in foreign policy. His past experience is also a big plus; he has made billions of dollars which is skill that would be very useful in the Whitehouse.

    I think Americans have a lot to be angry about. The past 8 years under Obama have not been very good for people who love freedom, which most Americans do. Obama has shown many times that he doesn’t seem to care too much about American for example Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Obama care, losing the peace in Iraq and giving away Americas missile defense system to Russia so he could win reelection, and those are just the big ones. That’s just the president though, people have also been silenced by political correctness, and some people are too scared to speak their mind for fear of being fired or worse.

    As for what will happen when he becomes president, well I think he will do what he says he will do. He will enforce the immigration laws and deport any illegal citizens, build a wall with Mexico’s money and up the American involvement against ISIS, and generally make America great again.

    Many people seem to have this notion that if Trump was president world war III would start, I don’t know where this fear comes from because Trump is the only presidential candidate that wants to get along with Russia and China and work with them in trade. He has also publicly opposed the Iraq war both now and when it started so I don’t think he would want to start any more wars only finish the ones that have already been started.

    1. Aidan definitely brings up a good point on how Trump does not care about what people think and he will undoubtedly enforce the policies he has clearly stated. But that is what brings me fear about Trump and this is where I have to disagree with Aidan. I think he will make a horrible president. Trump has clearly shown that he is pretty much a racist. I think that is a huge negative quality that a president should NOT have. I think people love his shock appeal, but if he becomes the president, I think the people of the united states will have alot to worry about.

    2. Aidan does make valid points about Trump being able to bring in money and possibly lower taxes, but I believe that he isn't just planning to deport illegal citizens, I think his goal is to keep all immigrants out and he focuses more on that than other important issues

    3. Aidan makes good points on how trump could help the united states from a financial standpoint. However i do not agree with him though on the fact that just because someone doesn't care what others think you should vote them into office.

    4. Aidan makes good points on how trump could help the united states from a financial standpoint. However i do not agree with him though on the fact that just because someone doesn't care what others think you should vote them into office.

    5. I agree with some of Aidan's points that Trump does not care what others think and gives his own opinion. He does have some positive ideas such as lowering taxes and he does have a great past experience that needs great skill, but the negative outcomes of Trump becoming president and having so much power out weigh his positive ideas greatly.

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  6. Mark this One

    Donald Trump’s campaign to become POTUS has been the center of most political satires of late. However, the threat of having Trump succeed current President Barack Obama is growing more and more real. As a Canadian, I often wonder why people love him. If you look at the people who love him, it includes Sarah Palin, the former Ku Klux Klan leader, people who wish to remove the Emancipation Proclamation.. I believe his greatest appeal is not his foreign policy knowledge (or lack thereof), but his ability to appear stronger than other nominees. However, right now America is scared. Scared of the economy, of the murderers, of the NSA, of ISIS. Donald Trump is clever and uses fear to his advantage and offers the people what they all want to hear: SAFETY.

    His platform is interesting to say the least. By far the most popular part of his platform is his idea to build a wall that stretches across the Southern U.S. border with Mexico. Apart of his Immigration Reform, he states that the need for a wall is "Our big problem [with Mexico] is not only people coming in, and in many cases the wrong people, it's the tremendous amount of drugs that are coming in". Other parts of his erratic platform include makings China declare themselves a currency manipulator, reclaim the American jobs that were moved to China and lowering America’s corporate tax rate. In case China for some reason took offense to this, Trump plans to strengthen the U.S. military presence in the East and South China Seas (Maybe he will build a wall there too!). Like every good Republican, Trump plans to enforce the Second Amendment and let Americans bear Arms. In January, he stated “Mass shootings are due to a huge mental health problem”. In the same month he also said “No limits on guns; they save lives!”

    The Donald Trump effect on American has been huge. Trump's negative opinion ratings are higher than all other candidates, including Hillary Clinton. Whether he is instilling fear in his speeches of using the Mexicans as his scapegoat in one of his Twitter rants, his effect on the world if he became President would be tragic. When it comes down to it, why is he considered a threat to foreign countries but not his own?


    1. I don't understand how people can want to vote for Trump as president either/why people love him. I don't live in the states but if Donald Trump became president I would be scared. I honestly don't understand a lot about politics but the debates I've seen of him trying to state a point are stupid because it seems he's always aggressively insulting someone else to address that point. It's funny. He's a bully. And that's most definitely why people pay attention to him. He's something to talk about because he seems incompetent to win presidency. But I'll agree that he's good with his words though in persuading people towards his views. But I don't like him. He has said horrible things about Muslims, black protesters, and Hispanic immigrants. MY parents are immigrants from Ecuador so his comments on Hispanic people really make me mad. Of course we live in Canada but for some reason Trump becoming president gives me anxiety.

    2. I'm pretty worried about him being elected... He has clearly proven to be a good business man so he obviously has some skills that could help America. But he seems to be just manipulating people into thinking a certain way and if he becomes president what will stop him from manipulating the entire country to do the things that he wants? I'm glad I don't live in America, but I think Trump as president will affect the whole world and potentially cause some tension between countries. I don;t think he should become the present of the United States.

  7. I also agree with what Emma has said. many people claim Trump to be “stupid” because of their distaste for him. But in fact trump is a very clever man. He uses his ability to manipulate and guide the public in the direction of his view. Emma has brought up some very good points including The NSA of ISIS, the military presences and immigration reform.

    1. I also agree with Emma and Mackenzie. Trump has created such a fortune and even though many people think of him as a joke, he is actually very smart. Nobody would have ever thought that he would become president or even be considered but now he seems to be proving those people wrong. I also agree with what Emma is saying about how Trumps negative opinion ratings have been bigger than any other candidate. Even though the majority of people do not agree with his point, everyone knows about them.


  8. Mark this one…
    This question really does boggle someone’s mind. Really, why do people love Donald Trump? In some cases, Trump plays the hero to people in which the wise warriors of the system have abandoned. They think of it as, if the system is already broken, so much that it has abandoned you; its preservation is not your concern. What they might want to most be actually burning it down now. When someone is bullied and abused enough, anyone that is willing to do the same to the person that put you in that situation, is your friend. Even bullies can be heroes if they target other bullies. Since Trump has done this since day 1, people have started to love him more and more. I think this is preposterous. He is not someone I would ever want to lead my country just based on how he puts himself out there and what he says about other politicians. He has no filter. However, saying that, I have not read deeply enough into his position on certain and important issues in the States.
    One position I read was on the Immigration Reform. The first statement that is said is this “Real immigrations reform puts the needs of working people first – not wealthy globetrotting donors. We are the only country in the world whose immigration system puts the needs of other nations ahead of our own. That must change.” For one, I believe that the last part is wrong, Canada is a country that puts other nations first, and we are the “peace keeping” country. Also, immigration is an important part of our society and helping people to have a better life. Yes, there needs to be change in the way the immigration works, because there is a lot of illegal immigration, mainly Mexico taking advantage of the United States, which leads to heavy crimes. However, that does not mean that immigration laws should be changed altogether. The United States is a massive first world country, and many third world countries need their help.
    If Trump became president I do not know what would happen to our world. His actions and what he says in public is honest, but also atrocious and I do not think the States needs a president like that to run their country. I am not saying the other candidates are that much better, but you do not always get good politicians all the time and that decision on who to vote for becomes difficult. There are pros and cons to him becoming president. On one hand he is an extraordinary negotiator, on the other he is untrustworthy and racial. Everyone has a bad side, for the States it will just come to who has the better good side and who has the worst bad side.

  9. Mark this one:
    As everybody else has said, why do people seem to like Donald Trump so much? I think it is an easy answer. People love to see what the guy is going to say next. It seems like every time anybody points a camera at him he is prepared to say something completely crazy to get everyone's attention, and it is working. I do not know if any other people running for President have used this strategy of getting peoples attention by whatever means necessary but from this point forward it might be a more popular one. After doing some research it seems like almost all of Donald Trump's main campaign points are the some of the most controversial topics in U.S politics. This again is an interesting strategy in just going right for the controversy and using the controversy to your advantage. I think people do have a few reasons to be upset with Donald Trump. for one he does seem to be a bit intolerant and sometimes borderline racist, but i think that that is the audience that Trump is trying to cater to and get the vote from. An audience that does not often have their views represented. I think that there is a legitimate possibility that Donald Trump will win this election. and as for the question "What will happen if Donald Trump wins?" , I guess we will just have to see.

    1. I agree. It's become almost like a second nature that when we hear the name Donald Trump, we have to expect some weird, racist, or condescending remark to follow after it. Honestly, US politics has become, in its own way, a joke. Politics should be taken seriously but after watching many of Trump's debates, it's like watching a child try to win an argument by saying what the people want to hear, interrupting others, picking on the vulnerable, and targeting his opponents in inappropriate ways.

    2. I agree with Keith here when he says that people are following him to see what he will say next, I do it. I have had a lot of laughs listening to some of his speeches and such. He is trying to get attention and it is working. Trump is trying to get people talking about him, and now, people won't stop. He is getting publicity, which is what you want during a campaign. Many people may not agree with his views, but some do. I personally do not, but I know people who do, and it is interesting seeing their take on what he says.

  10. Mark this one:
    It does blow my mind that people do support Donald Trump in the race for presidency. Many people that hate the government, the “system” or feel like they’re been tricked or robbed by the government are likely to support Trump’s campaign. What Trump offers is different than any other running politician. People think he is different than the typical scheming politicians because of the way he talks and acts. He is not politically correct, he presents himself in a less formal manner than other politicians, also, Trump speaks his mind, and doesn’t care about what other people have to say about it. To the public this doesn’t look like a politician, but someone else who is upset with the government. Those who are also upset with the government, who are unsatisfied with their country can rally behind this figure who share the same feelings as others who wants a change.
    Americans can hate their government for many reasons, a lot of which have to do with taxes. They feel like the taxes are too high, and struggle to pay them. Many people live all their lives trying to pay off mortgage or debt, another reason to hate the country. Donald Trump shares this hatred of the way the country is being controlled. Whenever Trump talks about politicians, or other powerful figures, it’s usually in a negative manner, and the public sees someone who is standing up for people like them, who feel powerless against those in control. For many people, Trump is someone who can direct anger, and get support from those with similar feelings.
    If Trump somehow manages to become president, saying there will be a change in America would be an understatement. If Trump follows through with everything he’s panning, it would start off as a political problem, where many other democrats wouldn’t agree with his actions. It would eventually lead to a social problem as citizens disagree with his actions, which could even lead to the many turning against their own president. And If Trump follows through with his immigration laws, it could lead to issues with other countries in the world, leading to an economic problem as well. Not to mention America would also lose its reputation around the world. Trump becoming president could lead to a world issue, and other politicians recognise this, and many are debating stopping Trump so that he never comes into power. Debate is being made for the party to unite behind a single candidate to go against Trump. There have been drafted plans to overtake Trump and stop him from going too far. “…the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, has laid out a plan that would have lawmakers break with Mr. Trump explicitly in a general election.” ( So already, Politicians are preparing for the worst. They realise the potential effects of Trump’s leadership, and are making sure he cannot come into power.

  11. mark this one
    Donald Trump is one of the leading republican candidates for the upcoming presidential election. one of the most hated men in the world it is surprising that Trump has such a large following. one of the main reason so many people like Donald Trump is because he has a lot of charisma and gets the crowd going, with lots of energy. making daily headlines he sure knows how to get attention, both good and bad. Also, a lot of people hate the government and are angry. these people want change in American and Trump is proclaiming he knows how to “Make America great again”. these people are angry because they feel like the establishment, as they put in the article, has failed them and made them victim. being the little guy and wanting to be the top dog is why so many people support trump. Trump is saying that he’ll provide the chance to thrive in America if you vote him in office.
    Trump’s platform is as outlandish as he himself is. If put in office, Trump has stated some of his future plans as president, such as: building a wall on the US-Mexico border and making Mexico pay for it, increasing international (mostly pacific) trade, taking away obama care and putting in his own “better” system, push ISIS back with heavier military attacks, updating the United States nuclear stockpile, no more common-core education system, and revamp the country's infrastructure.
    I believe that if Donald Trump became president of the united states it would spark a third world war. He is far too extreme, racist, and unintelligible to properly run a country that powerful and influential for there not to be consequences. Just his blatant hatred for muslims alone, is enough to destroy relations with most of the middle east. Also, most other democratic politicians do not support him and would have a hard time agreeing or supporting any of his policies.

    here is an article which supports my views:

  12. Replies
    1. I have to agree with Chelsea. Trump is definitely taking over the fashion world. His hair could potentially become the next Bieber do!

    2. I have to disagree with Chelsea and Bronwyn. Although Trump's hair is unique, I think that it takes him from a solid 9 to a 6.5

  13. Mark this one:
    Trump is a very intelligent businessman with bold ideas that he knows groups of people will either agree with right away or he will be able to manipulate them into agreeing with his ideas. Trump is focusing on what other people running are not promising and avoiding, he uses other’s downfalls to appear more caring of what Americans want as well as convince them to believe the same as he does. Many voters are familiar and impressed with his business exploits, which lead people to believe that Trump would be fit for presidency. Trump has such a strong disregard for political correctness that blows people away and draws attention, because of this people love the fact that he speaks what he thinks and the “truth” because he has zero regard for anyone else’s opinions or feelings. People are always waiting for what Trump is going to say next within his statements, which shows his techniques might be successful by holding the voters attention. He portrays himself as trustworthy and a strong advocate who wants to make America “great again” which sounds promising to voters but it leads people to follow a platform that is actually suggesting extreme racism and purification of anything that was not around in the late 19th to early 20th century. His platform also involves creating walls across the border of Mexico, which will also create, divides and great tension.

    With Trump instilling fear in people’s minds he is already creating a negative atmosphere. If he were to become president there would be unbelievable and great change in America that would most likely result in huge issues within the country and also spread to other countries that could result in war. Many problems such as political, economic and social problems would take place even if he did keep some of his more positive promises.

  14. As addressed in the article, it says, “When you are abused and bullied enough, anyone willing to beat up or burn down whomever put you in that position is your friend. Even a bully can be a hero if he targets others bullies – and that is… what Trump has done since day one.” Trump targets immigrants and illegals crossing the border of Mexico as well as Muslims that he labels as hateful terrorists or an endangerment to society since Paris attacks and growing racism from 9/11. When people see an issue in their society and when a candidate promises to get rid of these issues, people run to support him – even if these tactics are not ethical or correct. His campaign has revealed the dark side of blinded American’s that show a strong discomfort with these gender, racial, political minorities among the nation, and that is why followers adore Donald Trump so much – because he gains support by putting down the vulnerable in the name of safety.

    A lot of voters support Donald Trump because of his slogan and his ideology to ‘make America great again’. In the 1950’s, before the economic collapse in the 70’s, America led the world in GDP per capita. Jobs were very plentiful and male employment reached 84 percent. Housing and gas was cheap, and life was generally good. So when Trump says that he will make America great again, obviously he is not referring to the time when women couldn’t vote or when you could own slaves, but to the economic success of their nation in the 50’s. People love him because he promises to end struggles regarding the economy, the constitution, poverty, and crime.

    However, Trump’s plan to match the success in this time is not up to par. In the 50’s, top marginal tax rate was at a stunning 70-91%, much higher than they are now. In this time, one in three workers were also in private unions and where America was, at the time, a big government. Trump will not raise taxes enough from the rich, and will spend an estimated $400 billion to $600 billion enforcing his immigration law. “It would shrink the labor force by 11 million workers, reduce the real GDP by $1.6 trillion and take 20 years to complete (Trump has said he could do it in 18 months).”

    He is very conservative, and his views on gun laws, abortion, foreign aid, immigration, military spending, and education are very alarming and in my opinion, I do not think that the reality TV star, the billionaire who filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy 4 times, and the businessman who was never in politics is fit for the presidency. Do people really think that man worth billions of dollars is going to dictate his plans in favor of the lower or middle class?

  15. If Trump is elected into office he will have many people working to keep him in check. There is very little he will be able to say and do without the permission of this cabinet.
