Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Blog Marking Scheme

Your Marking Scheme

I will start with the following marking scheme, which is based on the Brock University Faculty of Ed. with some personal tweaking.  If you feel that certain elements are needed or not needed, then this weekend is your chance to voice your opinions in the comments section below my post here.  Although I mentioned I would only mark one of your posts, and it will remain that way, I am including as a requirement that you respond to others in order to achieve level 4.  Think of it as a part of your post.  If you've done all that work to make your post great, then wouldn't you like to hear some feedback from other students? Bien sur.

General Suggestions:
-Participate actively.  To get the most, it is important for you to actively participate in discussions throughout the course

-Post on a regular basis - a minimum of every three days.  That means twice a week, but don't heap them up on the same day.  Basically, if you follow the above suggestion it means you make one post to be evaluated and a second post which is a discussion with one of your classmates.

-Make substantive postings. Please avoid making postings that simply agree or disagree or repeat ideas already posted.  Rather, add substantively to the discussion by extending the ideas of others, relating personal or other experiences that illustrate ideas being discussed, proposing alternate ideas, raising new questions for discussion and asking for clarification.
-Express ideas concisely. Please avoid lengthy postings. One way to do this is by keeping each posting focused on a single idea or theme. Make separate postings for different ideas and themes.
-Make a variety of postings.  Keep in mind the various regions of the world and also the various themes of study (i.e. Population, Environment, Economy, Sustainability, Geopolitics).
-Spell check work before posting. There's no excuse in 2016 when you are using a computer.

Level 4 - (80-100%)
1. Contributes to discussions with high degree of regularity
2. Responses indicate a high degree of knowledge of events and how they relate to world issues
3. Interacts with other members on the discussion board with a high degree of effectiveness
4. Demonstrates a high degree of self-motivation
5. Accepts criticism postively
6. Illustrates ideas with references to classroom (and other) experiences with a high degree of effectiveness
7. expresses ideas clearly and concisely with a high degree of effectiveness
8. Includes references to two external sources to support posting.

Level 3 - (70-79%)
1. Contributes to discussions with considerable  regularity
2. Responses indicate a considerable knowledge of events and how they relate to world issues
3. Interacts with other members on the discussion board with considerable effectiveness
4. Demonstrates considerable self-motivation
5. Usually accepts criticism postively
6. Illustrates ideas with references to classroom (and other) experiences with considerable effectiveness
7. expresses ideas clearly and concisely with considerable effectiveness
8. Includes references to one external sources to support posting.

Level 2 - (60 - 69%)
1. Contributes to discussions with some  regularity
2. Responses indicate a some knowledge of events and how they relate to world issues
3. Interacts with other members on the discussion board with some effectiveness
4. Demonstrates some self-motivation
5. Sometimes accepts criticism postively
6. Illustrates ideas with references to classroom (and other) experiences with some effectiveness
7. expresses ideas clearly and concisely with some effectiveness
8. Does not reference to external sources to support posting.

Level 1 - (50 - 59%)
1. Contributes to discussions with limited regularity
2. Includes a response to another classmate, but lacks a formal post
3. Responses indicate limited knowledge of events and how they relate to world issues
4. Interacts with other members on the discussion board with limited effectiveness
5. Demonstrates limite self-motivation
6. Does not  accept criticism postively
7. Expresses ideas with limited effectiveness
8. No references to external sources to support posting.

1. Does not include a post

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