Tuesday, April 26, 2016

10.3 Just when I thought I was out...they pull me back in.

Image result for broke retirement

This article goes back to population and demographics that we studied and it has a lot to do with your future.  Even if you don't post about it; you should still read it.
1) How does this make you feel?  Are you worried about your future?
2) Should you be worried?
3) Is this something we can change?
4) What should you do to protect yourself from financial ruin when you get older?


Monday, April 25, 2016

10.2 Garbage Nation

We have too much stuff and it's hurting our environment and our pocket books.  Read and think:
1) How is this a world issue?
2) How can you change your way or your parents' way of life to
3) What are the consequences of too much stuff?
4) Where does our garbage and recycling go?  Where does Toronto's go?


10.1 Coral Bleaching

The Great Barrier reef is the largest living organism in the world and 93% of it is at risk of disappearing.
1) How does this relate to what we have been talking about in class and the video Tiny?
2) What can be done to help reduce or stop the bleaching of the reef?
3) What can you do to reduce your involvement in this world?

Monday, April 11, 2016

Mid Term Exams

Here are the PowerPoints from the class thus far that will be used to make the Mid Term Exam.   Nine of them in nine weeks not bad!  Some presentations we did right to the end others we only looked at a few slides.   Don't worry about the slides we did not cover.  If you are unsure ask and I will let you know if we studied that or not.  Also used will be work we covered in class plus some discussion and videos we viewed.  Good luck and study hard.

If you have trouble viewing the PPTs it's because you didn't sign in to google with your school account.


9.1 Video Blog Posts

This week is a little different.  Everyone will find a short video (10 minutes max) to post and people will comment on it.  Could be a music video, short documentary, TED talk, etc. As long as it shows a world issue and isn't too graphic (remember this is a school based learning platform).  Give a small description like the one below to intro the video.  Have fun!
A good site to check out is: http://www.filmsforaction.org/ and if you find one that is too long then try to find the trailer for it and post that instead maybe?

I love this video. It is a video about the environmental destruction of the earth and how we need to rethink how we use and extract oil.  The lyrics fit the images so well and sends a very powerful message about Mother Earth. Interesting to note that James Cameron created the harsh mining world in Avatar after seeing the Tar Sands first hand.  We are heading towards studying the environment and some talk will be given to the tar sands so this is fitting.

Friday, April 8, 2016

8.5 Tit-for-tat

As we learned in class with our simulation Charter development it is quite common for one country to do something for another only if it will benefit the first country and sometime both.  Read the following article about Visa requirements and how this could affect travel to and from Europe.  If you have ever had to fill out government paperwork you will know how horrible it would be to have to apply for a Visa just to visit the Eiffel tower!
1) Why is this happening? Who brought this issue up?
2) What will this mean to the travel industry in Canada and Europe?
3) What is the real issue here?  Is this about Visas or about illegal aliens? Why?
4) Who stands to benefit from this process regardless of the outcome? Why?


Thursday, April 7, 2016

8.4 Cell phone use in Africa

This article should interest you since you are probably addicted to your phone and are probably reading this post on your phone!
1) How can this help bring Africa out of poverty?
2) Is this a good thing or a bad thing for the people of Africa? Why?
3) How can they afford a phone but not food?
4) Is this a case of the rich getting richer even in Africa?

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

8.3 Happiness is a five letter word - M.o.n.e.y.

Read this list of the happiest countries in Africa and think:
1) What criteria was used to get this data? Is this a fair judgement of happiness?
2) How do these countries rank in comparison to the rest of the world?  Why?
3) What needs to be done to help those people feel more happy? Does money also fix happiness?
4) Relate this article to the information learned in class.


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

8.2 You are being watched...

With satelite technology getting so advanced it may be soon that you will be able to pull up google maps and see yourself looking up google maps!
1) How is this going to be used for good and for bad? Is this an invasion of personal privacy?
2) Do you agree with this new technology or not? Explain.
3) Where do you see this technology going in the future?
4) How is this a global issue?


Monday, April 4, 2016

8.1 Green Power and electric vehicles

1) Should we be considering the energy emissions created to charge electric vehicles? Why or why not?
2) Do electric vehicles still seem appealing? Why or why not?
3) Will electric vehicles save the world?  Why or why not?
4) How much material goes into making an electric vehicle?  More or less than a regular vehicle?  Should we be considering that in our emission discussion?


Sunday, April 3, 2016

7.4 This one affects a lot of people worldwide


So how do oil prices work?  Who controls them and how do they affect the oil sands in Alberta?  The following article helps explain all that.
1) What should we care in Barrie? I mean cheap gas is great right?  What are some negative consequences of cheaper gas?
2) Do you believe that the Middle Eastern countries have our best interest in their hearts? Explain why or why not?  Should they or should they not?
3) What does this mean for the environment?
4) If gas is at 93.4 cents a liter right now how much is a barrel of oil?  How does the price at the pumps relate to the price of crude oil?  How much money does the government make off the a liter of oil?  Would it be in their best interest to have expensive oil and gas?
