Sunday, May 29, 2016

13.1 The only post for this week


Because of the length and delay in getting this posted I am giving you until Tuesday night to complete this post.  This article is an example of the kinds of articles you will be reading next year.  No more newspaper articles for you.  You must read through the article and pick out the important information for you so that you can use it in your essay or report for your class.
Answer the following questions to help you through the article:
1) What are microplastics? Where do they come from? 
2) What are the ecological impacts of plastics in the Great Lakes? What happens when the biodegrade?
3) What are microbeads? Where do they come from?
4) How are rivers a 'major pathway' of transportation for microplastics?
5) How do the Great Lakes compare to other similar lakes around the world?
6) How does the research results compare to ocean research and findings? Specifically ocean gyres?
7) Why does the author end with questions?  What does this mean about their research?
8) What can we do to help prevent pollution from microplastics?

Friday, May 20, 2016

12.4 Do you eat salmon?

Looks like if you eat salmon it will now be genetically modified and you won't even know it.  The photo above is a normal salmon and a GMO salmon!
Read and think:
1) Why did this get passed?  Why did it take so long for it to pass compared to the US?
2) What are your thoughts on the issue? Does this set a precedent? What about the lack of labeling?
3) Can we avoid GMOs?  How or why not?
4) Has science gone too far?  Where will it go next?

Monday, May 16, 2016

12.3 Urban Sprawl in the GTA

This short article is really interesting as it shows that people are getting ready to RETHINK how they attack development but not everyone is on board.
1) Why do we need this kind of legislation? Who will benefit from this?
2) Why are some people opposed to this?  What do they have to lose or gain from it?
3) Research the proposal.  Will it work?  What will be some problems with this?
4) Look at the picture attached to this post. Where is Toronto built-up and where is it built-out? How does this tie in with the environment and sustainable development?

12.2 Forever in Blue Jeans

1) What do you currently do with your old, outgrown, out of style clothes?  What could you do instead?
2) How is this a world issue?  Who could benefit from all of this? Why is it important?
3) Why is it so hard to bring in new programs like this to a community?  Do you think Barrie would ever adopt something like this?

12.1 Poor suckers pay taxes

Article that talks about how us poor people are the ones stuck paying all the taxes that help pay for all services that EVERYONE uses like hospitals, police and education.
1) What are your thoughts?  This is legal should it be? Is it fair?
2) What could we do to stop the flow of overseas money hiding?
3) Should the Prime Minister of England step down, since his dad is mentioned in the papers?

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

ISU hand-in

With Prom this week and the ISU due I thought that we could take a break from posting on the blog this week.  You're welcome.

Here are the instructions for submitting your ISU:
1) You can submit your document by writing it, or copying it, into your google drive account and then SHARING it with me.  You can share the document with
2) you can email me the project to

Any problems let me know.
Due date is 11:59 pm Thursday May 12th. Don't wait until late in case you run into problems.

Good luck and see you at Prom.

Friday, May 6, 2016

You got APA Style Bro!

Here is the APA powerpoint shown in class.  Also check the OWL at Purdue Website and APA website for hints and help.

Good luck and any question please just ask.

11.4 Droughts in India

1) Why are their water reserves depleted so much?  One abnormally hot year doesn't drain everything.  What is the real cause?
2) How can we help here in Barrie?
3) How is El Nino not helping the situation?  What is El Nino?  What is La Nina and how could it help?
4) How is this related to the global warming and climate change?

Thursday, May 5, 2016

11.3 When does life start?

Here is an interesting article about human development and growth.
1) Is this right?  Should we be studying the growth and death of a human embryo?
2) When does life start? At conception? When the embryo implants into the uterus? At birth?
3) What implications could this have for future generations?  Good and bad?
4) Has technology gone too far?  Could we one day grow a human being outside of the human body?

11.2 Rugby - it's a world issue?

Now I know some of you like the sport of rugby and some of you don't well here is an interesting article that introduces the physical demands needed to play at an elite level.
1) What kind of physical demands are the players worried abot?
2) How is this a world issue?
3) What other sports have the same kind of issues?
4) Should this sport be played at the high school level?  Why or why not?

Monday, May 2, 2016

11.1 Gas or Electric...think Tiny

Using what you know about Tiny houses read this article and think?
1) What do we need to rethink when it comes to vehicles?
2) What are they doing in other parts of the world?
3)What does buying EVs do for the economy and the environment?
4) When you are able to buy your first car what will it be and why?