Friday, June 17, 2016


Here are your marks without the Calories assignment:
Done by student number.

16.1 Monday's class = Potluck!

Please bring in something to share with the class on Monday.  The food must be from either a local source or must be completely GMO free.  Also, please bring a reusable plate and fork for the potluck so that we don't have any waste.
You will be required to give a quick speech about where the food is from and why you chose to bring it.  Have fun and yes you can do this in partners.
Don't forget the Barrie Farmers Market is Saturday morning at City Hall.

Have a great weekend.

Monday, June 6, 2016

15.1 Only post for the week.

For this week's post you will go to the United Nations Website and take a look at the global issues they are working on.
Pick one topic from the left hand side bar and:
1) Give a brief recap or overview of the issue.
2) List and Explain some of the initiatives or goals or summits that have been held on this issue. What has been the result or action taken from this?
3) Research the effectiveness of the United Nations on this issue around the world.  Do we need the UN for your Issue? Why or why not?
4) What does the future hold for your chosen issue?  Will it get worse or better? Why?

Friday, June 3, 2016

14.1 Please watch this video and comment for the post

This week you are to watch this video and comment below:
1) What is wrong with our current food system and mindset?
2) What needs to change? Why?
3) How could doing this NOT work? Why?
4) What did you take away from this video?  How will you change?